"HEY, WHO THE HECK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GRABBING ME LIKE THA-" he shouted only to be shut up with a punch to the face. "Come on, get up naruto" the person said

Naruto was slowly recovering from the barrage of punches. Who was helping him. When he finally got his vision back, He blushed. It was Sayuri Uchiha. The girl that turned from the most lovable kid on the entire planet, to a cold, silent, emotionally closed off girl. He hesitantly took the hand and brought him self up.

Kiba look shocked as he knew the only person to ever have the guts to punch him like that was Sayuri. "Aw come one, Sayuri, my angel, why would you help a dead beat like him, he's just a no body!"

Sayuri just stared at him blankly before speaking. "Don't ever do that again Kiba or else you're going to end kissing the floor. Just know that if you mess with Naruto you mess with me as well." She spoke coldly. Naruto was both surprised and happy. This was the first time since a year ago that Sayuri ever stood up or showed that she genuinely cared for him as a friend. "And you Naruto stop being such an idiot and actually work to defend your self, it's honestly pathetic that someone like you could have so much chakra reserves yet not do anything to use it" she said in her own...caring way? Before finally walking away

Kiba was beyond mad. Here she was, the girl that he liked that he would do absolutely anything for (I smell a simp) was protecting this loser! That was naruto!

"Tell me now how you got satsuki to protect you. What did you do to her" he spoke with venom laced through every word

"I-I never di-did an-anything!"

"Like heck you didn't. You're dead once this stupid academy ends" he responded infuriated leaving a pale quaking naruto afraid.


Once the academy ended Kiba immediately started following naruto. Naruto looked back paranoid. He needed to escape. To run. He looked back once more only to see Kiba also looking back annoyed while changing to another road facing west. At first he was confused. But once he looked further back he understood. Satsuki was also behind him and Kiba, most likely daring Kiba to make a move on naruto.

Sayuri just glanced at him before also changing to a road facing east.


Naruto could just barely see his apartment in the distance. So he took a break for a while to regain his energy. What he didn't notice though was a person his height was directly behind him. Naruto suddenly felt fear. His gut telling him to instinctively look around for any signs of danger. And he found the danger. It was Kiba.

And he was running at him at full force.

Naruto quickly got up and ran as fast as he could. Dodging citizens of Konoha left and right almost tripping on some. He looked back again and saw that Kiba was gradually catching up to him. Naruto by now was hyperventilating. Which was not helping him run. He had to find a place to hide and quick. He ran and ran becoming slower Overtime decreasing in speed. But luckily he found a small dense looking forest covered in trees. In the middle was an open area with 3 wooden poles most likely laced with chakra. So he climbed over the fence of the training ground. Once he fell in Kiba was not too far behind him. Kiba quickly latched on to the fence and started climbing. Naruto quickly thought of something and grabbed a rock and chucked it at Kiba's eye.

"AAAH" he yelled in pain letting go of the tall metal fence. He painfully landed on his back while also messaging his eye.

Naruto saw a chance in this and quickly ran up and jumped into a bush.

After a few minutes of pain, Kiba finally got up and climbed rapidly over the fence. After that was done he quickly put 2 fingers in his mouth and whistled loudly enough for what seemed to call an animal.

Kiba waited 12 minutes before a giant bull dog came running towards Kiba. The dog first chomped through the gate and tackled Kiba down licking his face

"Ok boy, down boy!" Kiba yelled at the dog. "I'm going to need you help me with some business" the dog barked happily and started following Kiba.


Naruto started to wonder if now would be safe to get out now. He had been hiding for about 23 minutes. After all maybe Kiba got bored And gave up to go home!

"Found ya"

Naruto's heart dropped. Kiba was right behind him. He tried to make a break for it but was quickly tackled by Kiba pinning naruto who's back was facing the sky .

"Get him boy"

Was someone else with him! No no no no no NO!!!

"KIBA I'M SORRY, PLEASE JUST LET ME G-AAAAAHHHHH!!!" Naruto suddenly felt an immense sharp pain in is legs. He could feel it digging deeper into his flesh finally reaching the bone. Then it proceeded to bite a Chunk of Naruto's leg off.


Naruto was in so much pain. He couldn't handle it. It was simply to much to bare for him. While the dog ferociously started biting Naruto's leg Kiba started to use Naruto's head as a punching bag


"Didn't they say they would meet us here?" Asked Orihime. She was pondering whether the soul reapers that told them to meet here were either at the wrong location or they were just extremely late.

"Yea but if they take more than 10 minutes to get here god so help me I will rip their faces off!"
Ichigo replied clearly beyond irritated. He was pissed. Looks like those soul reapers would feel what dying feels like again.


They suddenly jumped surprised at the loud yell of agony

"What the hell was that!?" Ichigo asked disturbed by this screech. "I don't know but maybe we should check it out!" Orihime replies also distraught by the loud yell. It sounded like the person was in immense pain

"Well then we have to hurry. It sounded like a child!" Ichigo agreed, flash stepping the direction of the loud yell.


Naruto looked awful. He had bite marks that were constantly bleeding. His clothes were ripped. His face was all Bruised and bloody.

"That'll teach you to never think about talking to Sayuri ever again or getting in my way. Loser" Kiba insulted before spitting at him and walking away with his dog. Naruto couldn't move. He was also passing out. Everything from his perspective was changing from bright to dim. He could hear his heart beating in his ears. Passing out doesn't feel so bad right now. Dying sounds even better.

His eyes were finally closing. Everything was going black. But before he gave in to the darkness. He saw too strange figures running towards him


Word Count: 1915

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