Prologue 1:Please!

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"Please mister I'm sorry"Cried an 8 year old boy with golden hair and ocean blue eyes being dragged into an alleyway by his hair. "I was just hungry, I'm sorry!"

But his pleads didn't reach the man. In fact it only made him angrier

"Shut up you DEMON!". Demon. He has heard that name too many times now. He didn't understand why they hated him. What had he done to deserve this? He was always ostracized by everyone, he would always be beaten until he couldn't move and bloodied all over, he would always starve due to stores not letting him in to buy something, stands or restaurants wouldn't let him in either. The last time he went in one he was almost poisoned by the villagers since they poisoned a ramen shop's ramen.Every chance the land lord lords got they would wait for him to leave his houe in the afternoon and would purposely buy and put seal on his apart ment door so he would be shut outside without anyway of removing it himself and when he got back a few hours after he was at most times left outside in the cold and darkness of the night. Where were the ninja that his jiji assigned to him he always asked. They're there when he's walking around the village and then the next thing you know they're gone when something bad happens to him. They could've removed the seal or at least take him to his jiji but they didn't. They probably just watch him freeze outside at night, hoping for him to die. The only ninja that really ever cared for him was an ANBU with grey hair and a dog mask and a ANBU with semi long black hair in a pony tail with a weasel mask. But the ANBU with the weasel mask suddenly disappeared one day. Maybe he quit the ANBU. But the grey haired ANBU was never seen too he disappeared along with the others.

"Let me g-GAK!" The boy was cut off by a strong kick to the stomach making bend fowards. But the kick was soon followed by a boot smashing his face against the cool floor below him.

"THIS IS FOR MARTHA!" The man cried while picking up and elbowing the child in the face causing his nose and a few teeth to shatter. The boys flew backwards and skidded against the dirt. "AND THIS IS FOR THOMAS!" He cried again. The boy desperately turned and tried to crawl away but failed in the end due to the mans foot stomping on his leg causing it to break. He yelled in pain again. The man relentlessly kept on beating the child breaking at least every bone in the poor boys body. Until He finally stopped. "I NEVER * WANT TO SEE YOU * IN MY STORE AGAIN * STEALING MY FOOD!" he said breathing in between words before walking off
( * means taking a breath. Sorry if I didn't clarify)

The boy was just left there. Lying on the ground. He could hear a slight ringing in his ears. He also felt like passing out but couldn't do so, like his body refused too. He could hear a low, dark laughter around him getting progressively louder and louder. He wanted to make it stop. All the pain and suffering. He wanted to end it. Yet there was a part of him that told him it's going to be alright. But all this? This was too much for a mere child to even deal with. And this laugh. It's the same laugh he hears after every time he's been abused near death. He wouldn't be surprised he's gone insane.

"Please. Someone. Help. I'm scared. Cold. Hungry. Alone" the boy cried for anyone that would pass by, pleading. But no one came. No one noticed or heard his voice. They completely ignored him. He started to let tears flow endlessly across is bloodied face, sniffling and sobbing quietly hoping for anyone to just help him.He heard foot steps coming towards him. Was someone coming to help! But...he knew that they wouldn't help, they were probaly here to end it all. Honestly he would be grateful. A chance to be free. A Chance to live happily. Maybe he could see his family in the afterlife. Yes. that would nice

???- it's okay my little Naruto. *sniff*I'm here for you. Don't lose hope you'll get through this. *sniff*I know you will.

Who was that. Who was cradling him in their arms? All he heard were a mysterious woman's shaking, sobbing but soft voice. He felt something wet dropping on his face. Was it rain? No. It didn't feel like rain. It was tears. It was tears! Someone was actually crying for him. Someone actually cared! He wished so badly that he could move his arm so he could at least clear and clean his bloodied, blurry eyes. But he couldn't. the only thing he see from the person was that she was emitting a faint white glow around her body. He just wanted to see the face of the the one person who actually cared enough to help him but couldn't. It only made him cry more, which wasn't helping his eyes at all. Suddenly he overwhelmingly felt an Immense pain all over his body probing his eyes to over flow with tears. He tried to to scream but couldn't. His voice wouldn't respond. He so desperately tried to to scream in agony again but failed.

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