13. like a movie

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(How many times I have changed pov in this chapter ?

- Thousand times !

Mistakes are there .... )

3rd person's pov :

"Feels like a movie..." Beam whispers to Kit . They are now seating at the backseat of Pha's car . Pha is driving .. Forth is beside Pha . Ming , Kit and Beam at the back .

"Should we call Lam ?" Pha asks .

"I have called . That bastard is not picking up ." Forth growls .

"Easy Forth ." Pha sighs .

"I can't . Think it through Pha . If Park has already checked in then how ! " Forth pulls his hair in frustration .

"Shit ! We don't have tickets ." Ming shouts . "We can only enter in public area ."

Kit looks at Ming amused "you realised it very early !"

Beam frowns "Kit it's not time for your sarcasm . Forth , it's only 10 :30 pm . It's too early to check in . Don't worry ! We will catch him . "

"I don't know , Beam . I don't know . I hate Park . Why is he ....." Forth stops and closes his eyes .

Pha looks at Forth . He can see Forth's trembling lips clearly . He smiles . 'Park is stupid .'

"I have ticket ." Kit says out of blue .

Pha turns to look at Kit . "What ?"

"Well I managed to book three tickets online . But it's domestic , not international ." Kit shows the details .

"Do well all have our id with us ?" Beam asks .

Forth nods . So does Pha and Ming .

"Then the rest two can enter in secure area . I will talk to my uncle ." Beam states .

"Owh ! I forgot .. your uncle works there . Security in charge .. right ?" Kit asks .

Beam nods .

Forth blinks . 'He is lucky . He has good friends . Wish if Park also ...'

"We will stop him P'Forth ." Ming holds tightly on Forth's shoulder . Forth nods subtly .

"Do you want a hug ?" Ming asks .

"Do you want to die ?" Beam glares at Ming .

"He does ." Kit answers for Ming .

"We are here , jokers ." Pha chuckles and unlocks his seatbelt .


Forth looks around in publice area .

"God ! Why his phone is switched off ?" Pha re-dials Park's number .

"You sure he has left from his dorm ? I told you to ask the guard ?" Kit asks Ming .

"I am sure . He left at 7 :30 pm even before his dinner . He had a dinner date with P'Lam . I told you ." Ming looks around too .

Beam is busy with his uncle . He is explaining the situation to his uncle maybe .

"Park ! Park ." Forth calls a little loud . He is irritated as he can't shout like he generally does in the SOTUS field .

"There ..... he has checked in ... " Beam shouts louder than Forth .

Forth looks at Beam . " Where ? "
Everybody walks towards Beam .

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