My little ones.

Turning on a side, he propped himself up on an elbow. "How did you sleep last night?"

Celeste laid back down on her side, facing him. Her eyes sparkled. "Wonderfully! It seems you not only protect me from real dangers, but unreal ones as well."

He plopped down on his back, his shoulder touching her arm, and grinned. "Yup, that's me. A regular knight in shining armor."

"You are my brave knight, but your armor is not always so shiny. Thanks for letting me sleep with you, Moon."

"Well, I had gotten used to your scent on my pillow back when we were hot bunking."

Celeste slid her head onto his chest and allowed his arm to encircle her. Moon let out a deep breath. A blissfulness swept through him like a warm breeze.

This feels good.

But a coldness persisted within a deep part of him, like the anticipation of loss. "Celeste, what will happen when we reach the sanctuary?"


"The babies, what will happen to them?"

She answered, "They will be taken and raised in a loving environment and given the best training. Eventually, one will become the Sol Empress."

Moon was not skilled at reading emotions, but the way Celeste tightened her lips and turned away suggested she was uneasy with this as well. "What about me?" he asked.

"Well, I will arrange payment and you may go on your way. That was our agreement."

"I know." Moon's gut tightened. It felt uncomfortable bringing this up. "But what if I want to be a part of their lives, to be more than just a sperm donor?"

Her eyes grew. "Moon? I thought you never wanted to be a father?"

"Yeah, well, things have changed." He turned his head to look directly into her eyes. "And what about you, Celeste, don't you want to be in their lives? To be more than just a borrowed womb?"

Celeste laid silent for a moment, then replied in a weak voice. "Yes... But that is not the traditional way."

Sitting up, he yanked his arm out from under her. The tone of his voice came out angrier than he wanted. "Screw tradition! Everything has changed."

Celeste sat up and put a hand on his shoulder. "Moon... I'm sorry. I didn't know."

Moon pushed himself off the bed and walked to the door. Pausing, but not looking back, he said, "Well, now you do."

He turned his head back to her. Her wounded, moist eyes invoked an uncomfortable twinge of guilt. His chest tightened as the emotions became too much. He had to get away.

In the galley, Moon took out a bottle of ale from the chiller. But after a deep breath, put it back. Instead, he put a kettle of water on the induction heater.

Feeling a presence, he turned around to find Celeste at the doorway. She bit her lip as they locked eyes.

He turned away. "Tea?"

"Yes, please."

After preparation, he placed two steaming cups on the table. He dipped his head. "Celeste, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken this out on you."

She reached across the table to take his hand. "I understand. The children have become so much more than duty to the Sol Way." Waiting until his eyes lifted, she said, "You are right, everything about this breaks tradition. Moon, we will find a way."

He nodded. "Okay."

A voice came from the ceiling. "Priestess, would you tell us how this makes you feel?"

Celeste pulled her eyebrows together. "Sai?"

Moon slapped a palm to his forehead. "Sai, everything is good. We don't need conflict resolution. Put away your therapy sub-routine."

"Sir, denial is often the first response to--"

"Not now, Sai!" His eyes widened. "Wait, were you spying on us in my bedroom? I thought I told you not to do that unless there is an emergency."

"Yes, sir. But the Priestess appeared to be distraught. Given your experiences with bringing women into your bedroom, I thought it prudent to monitor the situation."

Moon put his head on the table. "Sai, please, not now... Besides, they didn't all go so bad."

Celeste failed to stifle a chortle with her hand. She said, "It's okay, Sai. Moon helped me through a rough moment. He was a perfect gentleman."

"I am happy to hear that, Priestess. There was a time when--"

Moon jerked his head up. "Sai, don't you have some ship diagnostics to run, or something?"

"Sir, I am multi functional. I may run full diagnostics and still be able to--"

"That will be all, Sai."

"Yes, sir."

As Celeste giggled, Moon grumbled. "I really need to teach Sai about boundaries."

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