Hall Of Mirrors

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It wouldn't be a deep hole, but on the way down the pair noticed various passing lights heading upwards all around the inside of this tube as if to give the illusion they were falling faster than they actually were. However despite knowing this, it did slightly disorientated them as they landed but they quickly cleared their heads and stared around them at the large room them were now in.

It was a large circular room, almost akin like that of the inside of a circus tent which very faintly could be seen a strip pattern of red and yellow going up vertical. Speaking of which as Spider-Man and Black Cat looked up, the roof was like some kind of star projection thing going on there with the glowing teal outlines of either planets, rockets, UFO's and other space related objects. Strangely, the only space related thing they had encounter in this strange funhouse.

"Spider, look around us!" Black Cat pointed out to the walls in which all around the room was the sight of what seemed like hundreds of door sized mirrors and it only clicked to Spider-Man as to what this room was.

"A hall of mirrors," Spider-Man muttered with a tinge of being unimpressed. "Once again how original for a circus theme."

"Been years since I was in a hall of mirrors," Black Cat added before she gasped at something at the floor. "Damn that's creepy!"

"Cat? What is it?" Spider-Man spun around and then looked down to see what she was reacting to...or rather what was reacting to them.

Standing on where they were two, large bloodshot eyes in which the black iris was where each of the pair were standing on. To make matter all that more unsettling, whenever one moved, that eye that seemed to have it's attention on him or her would follow that person as Black Cat slowly moved back to try and get away from it.

"Ok, I've of having my eye on someone but this just takes the cake," Spider-Man joked, though his partner wasn't all that impressed.

"Eye on someone?" Black Cat replied with annoyance, still glaring at her staring eye. "More like this Mysterio is a pervert who would rather look up some girl's skirt."

Spider-Man cleared his throat awkwardly to try and take their mind of the situation. "Ok I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that. Come on, let us see if there is a way out."

As they walked towards the edge of the room (which saw the creepy eyes still follow them) it then occurred to them as there didn't seem to be a door in this room; just one long line of these mirrors.

"Are we trapped here?" Black Cat asked as she glanced around trying to find anything that might lead them out.

"There's always a way out," Spider-Man replied, and the pair walked over towards two mirrors standing side-by-side and even though both wanted out, neither couldn't resist to look back at themselves in the mirrors.

Spider-Man saw that his reflection was one that made him look thin and squat though weirdly something about the mirror did look off, as if there was liquid in there which seem to give the reflection more life as if were.

"Huh, I think I lost some weight," Spider-Man joked at seeing his reflection.

"And this is...something," Black Cat replied in which she checked herself out with her turning her backside towards the mirror. "Damn, this makes my butt look bigger than it is, don't you think so, Spider?"

Spider-Man was not looking at the reflection but rather Black Cat herself. Though he didn't plan to, he couldn't help but strangely admire the leather clad woman there as she playfully posed in the mirror, playfully flirting with him. He did admit to himself that she was an extremely attractive woman, but something about now was making him feel different about her. He didn't know what though, it seemed since they started this mission that something about made him think about Mary Jane and—

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