I need you

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(Fallon's POV)
I couldn't bear to look at him anymore. So, I put my head down on the bed and held his hand as I cried. I don't know why but my tears wouldn't stop.

I have never cried for anyone before except that one time. I'm strong...strong people don't cry.

Fallon you're strong. It's going to be fine. Kevin is going to be fine. He won't leave you like the others did. He promised...he promised..remember.

He's strong and he'll get through this. I was deep in my thoughts when I slowly dozed off.

"Wake up Fallon" I heard a soft voice. I got up to see Nerissa and Grey standing in front of me.

"When did you guys come?" I asked.

"We never left. We were waiting outside because we didn't wanna bother you. You looked like you needed some time alone with Kevin." He said in a calm tone.

"Sorry for getting mad at you yesterday. I-I was just really worried."

"It's alright we understand. I think you should go home and rest now. You don't look too good" Nerissa said with a worried look on her face.

"No I'm gonna stay here with kevin. I'm not going anywhere. You guys can go take a rest." I said in a serious tone.

"You sure" both of them asked.

"Yes I'm not leaving until he gets better." They nodded as they gave me a hug and left.

"Kev..please wake up. I-I need you here. You promised me that you'll never leave me like the others did. Kev...I don't know if you can hear me or not but I just want to let you know...that I really really care about you."

" You're a very important person in my life. My life is incomplete without you and I need you in my life."

"If anyone had to leave or get hurt then it should've been me...not you. You don't deserve this." I said as I intertwined my fingers with his. I just sat there with my head down hoping for him to wake up soon.

(2 Am)

I had my head down when all of a sudden I felt his fingers move a little. "Kev" I said with a soft tone. He opened his eyes slowly.

"Kev...kev are you alright?" I said with a worried expression.

He slowly moved his face towards me and said "who are you" in his raspy voice.

"K-Kevin it's me Fallon. Look carefully...maybe you're like this because you just woke up." I was panicking. What if he actually doesn't remember me?

What will I do then? No, He can't just not remember me. I refuse to let that happen. I can't lose him too... I looked at him with a million thoughts running through my head when

he said "I don't know any Fallon". There's no way this is really happening right now.

"Kev it's me Fallon. We've known each other since 2nd grade. We used to play together all the time. We used to go eat our favorite vanilla ice-cream every day after school. You even saved my life once...remember."

I said as I looked straight into his eyes but he didn't say anything in return.

"You make me strong. You give me strength...you're the sole reason as to why I'm still alive. You can forget me once, twice, thrice but I'll still make you remember me."

I said as I felt myself tearing up. I didn't want him to see me crying so I got up to leave when he suddenly grabbed my hand with his.

"What happened? Is it hurting somewhere? Do you need something?" I asked in soft tone.

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