Chapter 30 - My Promise to You

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"Being shy now, are we?" She teased with a small smirk. 

"N-no..." I denied and averted my eyes from her, which made her giggle.    

The sound of her laughter died down, and a second later,  a warm hand grasped mine. Looking back up, I met her gaze. "Hey, is this still alright? I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything." Her brows frown in concern. 

Realizing what she meant,  a small smile formed itself. I shake my head and quickly reassure the girl. "You're not. I'm just a bit... nervous? I don't really know how to explain this." With an embarrassed smile, I flipped my hand around, and hold her small hand in mine. 

"I think I understand, I'm a bit... nervous myself too," Jennie said with a blush and I can't help but grin a bit more. 

"I'm glad I'm not the only who feels like this," I chuckled while squeezing her hand affectionately. We both didn't say anything after that, just silently gazing into each other. 

"Come on," Jennie said with a laugh, "We still got plenty of work to do."   

"Hm..." Wanting the moment to last a bit longer, I lift our linked hands and place a gentle kiss on her knuckles. "Okay." With one last look, I grabbed the things I need and went to the leather couch in the corner. Wouldn't want to distract her... or myself really. 

The day basically continues like that from there. Though I am essentially the CEO's bodyguard, there isn't much for me to do in the office where it's relatively safe. So, I took it upon myself and started helping Jennie with her workload. With the still surprisingly fresh knowledge I have on business task I was able to do more good than bad (to both of our relief). I even learnt a thing or two under the CEO's care. Just like that I slowly became the CEO's unofficial (but very needed in my opinion) assistant. 

It was honestly quite a peaceful day for the both of us, that is until Jimin came in to taunt Jennie again. The jerk has been doing that ever since he was back. Always using lame excuses, like passing a record or a folder, just to come in here and talk shit. If it wasn't for Jennie's reputation as chief, I would have punched the guy long ago. 

"Good afternoon, Jennie. I hope you didn't miss me that much." Both me and Jennie groaned at the jerk's presence. The man walks in with yet another folder, unsurprisingly.  

"No. How could you possibly miss someone that you want out of sight." The CEO stated with a glare. 

Sighing, I put down the papers at hand and walk casually to Jennie's side, letting her know that I'm here to support her no matter what. Plus, if the jerk does get physical, I would have an even more 'acceptable' reason to shove my fist into his face. 

As usual, the man glares at my action seemingly wanting me out of here so he can mess with Jennie's head without any interferences. With my arms crossed, I stare back at the man, warning him not to try anything stupid, cause I can't promise that I won't lunge at him if I do snap.

"Ouch," The man smirked. "Here's the list I mentioned yesterday," Jimin approaches the desk and place the folder on the wooden surface, but he didn't leave after that. With a hand flat on the desk, he leans dangerously close to Jennie's personal space. "Though, I doubt you'll be able to finish this by today. You were always slow with tasks like this. Disappointing, really." 

"You-" I growled only to be stopped by a hand on my arm. With a shared look, I swallow down the flame, much to Jimin's delight. 

"Is that so?" Jennie said with her eyes lingering on me, she returns her attention to the man once she was sure I was calm. "Well, I haven't heard any complaints and quite frankly I don't care about your opinion." A small smile of mine threatened to form itself at Jennie's sharp remark. 

Weird Charm - JenlisaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz