A Stupid Fantasy

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Before Jughead Woke Up

The Bunker

Wednesday, March 25, 2020-6:45am


I got up early today. Well, earlier. I managed to sneak away from Jughead without waking him. I saw his laptop on his desk. I had an idea. I looked back over to Jughead. He was still sleeping soundly. I opened his laptop, which had no password. That was kinda dumb, but maybe he turned it off since he was down here alone. I open docs and find his story. This would take a lot of scrolling. Finally I see the words, Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Hills Have Eyes. Finally, I think to myself. I found it. I start skimming through the wording, because I'm looking for a specific part. I find the section. I check to make sure Jughead is still asleep and then start reading.

Jughead's Writing:

Sophomore Year

Lodge Lodge

Veronica came out, and wow! She looked beautiful. I mean she always looked beautiful, but in that swimsuit, she looked really good. I look down to hide the blush, that I knew I had and so she wouldn't realize I was checking her out. I take a sip of my drink to distract myself. The four of us were sitting in the hot tub. I wasn't really paying attention to what the others were talking about. I was just paying attention to Veronica, which was okay right now, because she was the only one talking, I just wasn't really processing what was being said. Then suddenly Veronica says my name.

"Jughead," Did she notice I was checking her out? I gulped and looked down. "and I," she pauses. I look at her. Her and I what? "Should kiss," I smiled. I liked that idea. As soon as she said it, she put her mouth around the straw in her drink as if she actually did want to do it but was too nervous to admit that. She said we should kiss because Betty and Archie kissed, but I could tell that wasn't the real reason she wanted to kiss me. I could see through it. She just wanted to kiss me, plain as that. I felt the same way, but it's not like I could say anything. Neither of us could. This was our only chance to do this, so I was going to take advantage of that, even if we had to do it in front of Betty and Archie. At least we were getting this chance.

I knew it. I knew he liked the kiss. He was wrong though, I didn't like him, I absolutely hated him. That was the reason I actually suggested the kiss, because of Betty and Archie kissing, but now reading myself say that, it didn't seem very rational. Especially after last night, but I still hated him. Last night was a mistake. That's what I kept telling myself at least. Deep-down though, I knew it was just an excuse. But like he said, it's not like we could do anything about it. Betty and Archie were bound to get together at some point. As much as we hated to admit it, we knew it was true. Maybe it was just a stupid fantasy, but then again, maybe not. I hear Jughead yawn and I turn to face him.

Present Day

Riverdale High

Wednesday, March 25, 2020-9:15am


I walk into school feeling late, but today it didn't matter because I wasn't even going to school. I turn the corner to see Betty Fucking Cooper. Please for the love of god do not notice me. I think as I walk past her.

"Hey V!" She says acting super cheery.

"Hi!" I say in a fake happy voice and then fake smile.

"What's up?" I try to control all my anger for what she's done to Jughead, but it's really hard.

"Betty I can't do this right now. Didn't you get the message yesterday, we're not friends anymore." For more reasons than one, I thought but didn't say.

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