So Broken

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*This chapter is really long. Also, possible Trigger Warning! It might continue some triggering content (mentions of eating disorders and suicidal thoughts)!*

Riverdale High

Tuesday, March 24, 2020-9:15am


I got to school even later than yesterday. Oh well, school isn't that important anyways, I think as I enter the building. I spot Betty going to the bathroom. Please don't see me, please don't see me. I silently pray.

"Veronica, hi!" I smile.

"Hi," She looks me up and down carefully.

"That's the same outfit you wore yesterday and Sunday," I look down at my outfit even though I already know what I'm wearing. Shit, she noticed. It's just a matter of time before she catches on. I think to myself.

"Heh, you caught me," I say trying to act casual, except anyone who had eyes would know something was off. She looks at me suspicious, like any sane person would. I was the daughter of Hiram Lodge for god's sake. Was I proud of that? No, but it meant we had a lot of money, so in cases like this when I repeated an outfit it was obvious. In other words, I couldn't pull out a random excuse like "my others were at the dry cleaners," or "it was all I had," because it just didn't work.

"What's going on V?" What was I supposed to say to that "oh sorry, I slept with your boyfriend who's supposed to be dead last night and the night before, but we didn't do anything, we just cuddled, but not really," there was really no good way to say that without sounding like we were cheating, which we weren't, so I just said,

"Nothing, I'm fine, but I should get going, I don't want to be late," which was dumb, because I was already forty-five minutes late. She obviously didn't buy it, but she leaves it at that and walks off. Finally! I walk into my World History class. Ms.Patel stops her lecture and turns to me.

"Nice of you to join us Ms.Lodge. Care to explain yourself?" Why did all teachers have to do this? I know I'm late, you don't have to tell me?! I think as she stares at me waiting for an answer.

"I'm sorry what?" she sighs and I swear she rolled her eyes.

"I said, care to explain yourself?" I could sense her losing her temper. She must not have had enough coffee this morning, or she just didn't want to deal with me. Honestly, it was probably both.

"No, I heard you, I just chose not to answer." She looks annoyed. "Do you really need to know what I was doing," I ask dejectedly.


"Yes," I smile with enough sass to make her regret her choice of jobs.

"That is an unacceptable way to speak to a teacher," I just smirk. "Detention this afternoon,"

"Sorry, can't," She looks at me completely annoyed. "Do I have to remind you who my father is?" she sighs. "He can have you fired in an instant, unless of course you're working for him. Are you working for him?" She scoffs.

"You think I would work for your father?" I shrug

"I don't know what to think anymore. He has everyone in his pocket to keep an eye on me and my friends. So, honestly, yeah, I wouldn't be surprised. It wouldn't be that shocking considering some of the things he's done." She sighs.

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