Devil's Breath

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The Bunker

Monday, March 23, 2020-7:15am


I wake up and instantly take note of my surroundings, 1.) I was definitely not in The Pembrooke, 2.) Someone's arm was wrapped around me, and 3.) That was definitely not Archie's arm. I just lay there. Thinking. Eventually, my eyes focus and I realize I'm in the bunker. Which means that arm is—Jughead's. I turn towards him. I don't want to get up and disturb him. He looks so peaceful, so I just admire him. His features are—they're nice. They're calming to look at, if that makes any sense. Finally he yawns and opens his eyes. He smiles and looks at me.

"Morning." I smile back.

"Morning." He looks at me and smiles and then looks back down. "What?" He just smiles at me.

"Nothing, just thank you."

"For what?"

"For coming down, making me feel better." He looks down and smiles to himself. "You know, I think that was the best sleep I've had in awhile. Well, since I came down here at least, so thank you." I smile

"Yeah, of course," He looks at me.

"As much as I enjoy this." He pulls me a little closer and I blush a little. Why did I just blush? Hopefully he didn't notice that, because it means nothing. I think to myself. "You still need to go to school."

"Oh shoot, I totally forgot." He smirks at me and just holds me tighter. "Let me go," He smirks even harder. "What's so funny? Let me go!" He smirks and looks down as he laughs a little. He looks back up and this time he looks more serious.

"You. I never struck you as the feisty type, but I guess I should have known better." I laugh at that comment.

"Okay, but seriously, can you let me go?" He looks at me and smirks

"Only if you ask politely."

"Oh my god, Jughead! Seriously?!" He smiles


"Ugh, fine. Can you please let go of me, so I can go to school?" I ask as politely as possible

"Now that you asked so politely, why of course." He smirks and lets go of me. "Anything to appease the princess." He smirks and winks at me. I just roll my eyes and get up.

"Thank you." I'm about to leave, when he grabs my hand and stops me.

"Veronica, wait."

"What?" He looks down shyly.

"Will you come back. Later?" I don't answer, I just sigh. He nods and looks down. He sighs and I can hear the sadness in his sigh. "Oh, okay. I just thought—" I cut him off.

"Of course." I smile at him as I say it. "I'll come back."


"I promise." His face lights up when I say this.

"Okay, see you later then?" I nod.

"Yeah, see you later," He smiles and lays back down as I leave the bunker. As I get out of the bunker, I check the time. 8:30am. Shit! Well I'm already late, what's the difference if I'm a few more minutes later. Betty would definitely notice if I was wearing yesterday's outfit, maybe I can sneak into The Pembrooke to change clothes and sneak back out without anyone noticing. It was risky, but I was already late, what's the difference between thirty minutes and an hour late, once you're already late. On second thought, do I really care if Betty notices, no not really. 

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