“Mr. Ortega—”

            “Dude, I’m nineteen, I’m no Mr.,” I said chuckling. “Mr. Ortega is my father and I wouldn’t advise you to call him that either”

            He laughed, patting my shoulder as he started walking with me. The other guy at the desk took Vladimir’s place at the door. “There’s something different about you,” he wondered aloud then his brows furrowed. “Aren’t you a little too early from school today? I’m old but this pattern isn’t right, no?”

            Smiling, I shook my head. I like how he always says no at the end of a sentence when he’s asking for confirmation of something that he knows there’s a ninety percent chance that he’s right. “I forgot to do my paper so I’m going up to write it then go back to school and turn it in.” He nodded his heading and took a deep breath. “How is that beautiful wife of yours and the girls?”

            “They’re great, Travis, thank you”

            “Say hi to them for me!” I said stepping inside the elevator.

            “Will do and say hi to your family too.” Nodding, I waved goodbye as the elevator doors closed. As I waited in the elevator, Vladimir’s words replayed in my head “there’s something different about you”. What the hell does he mean by that? Maybe it’s the fact that I speak now more than I used to. Shrugging, I dismissed the thoughts from my mind as I entered my condo, going straight to my desktop where all my textbooks sat. Three and a half hours later I was done with my eight-page essay and was ready to go back to school.  Class started thirty minutes ago but I didn’t give a fuck.

            My reflection stared at me as I opened the door to my car. I paused, looking at myself and when I see myself I see Seth and realizing that angered me. I can’t believe I’m doing this again; like the first lesson didn’t hurt enough. It literally broke me. Every time I see Seth or every time I stare at the back of his head and wonder what he’s thinking about, I forget what he did and what happened between us. To make things worst, I lie to my parents about what’s going on in my life and how I’m doing.  I don’t even know how I’m doing.  

            Everything is so jumbled and confusing. To make things more confusing, I found myself searching for the closest Starbucks on my GPS. I’m just hopeless and I don’t know what to do with myself. To my surprise, Seth was the cashier and in all honesty I wished I was invisible, that way I could walk back out the second I saw him.

            His whole face lit up when he saw me. My heart was beating rapidly in my chest at the sight of him. I had to remind myself about the conversation I had with myself earlier (I sound crazy). Not again.

            “Hey, Travis!” he gleamed at me. Well at least he didn’t look so sad and frightened like this morning.      

            “Hey,” I responded nonchalantly.  “Can I have a Cookie Crumble Mocha Frap, please?” The smile dropped from Seth’s face when I ordered. I don’t know why I asked for that but if I’m being completely honest with myself it has something to do with the anger I’m starting to feel towards him again. And maybe somewhere deep down I wanted to fuck with him a bit. Seth never said anything after that, not even when he gave me my drink and I paid him. Nothing. I’m not sure if I feel bad about doing that. Maybe later on it’ll hit me.

            After I turned in my paper I went and got some take out from this awesome Chinese restaurant I found when I was mindlessly walking around one night. I went back to my place to eat. I turned off my phone and watch some action movies while I was at it.

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