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"Yes, I have it." she said through her phone. The person on the other end sigh in relief,

"Good. I don't think he'll listen without a bribery" she chuckles, shifting her phone from her right ear to her left while balancing a box of six fully decorated cupcakes in hand.

"Of course I have it, I even fully decorated it with fondant and all"

"Oh sister, it's going to be a tough work on your end, he will never sleep if that's the case" she stopped in her track. Shit, she didn't think this through. She's the one that's going to put her nephew to bed, not her sister. That's why she's here, she's going to babysit her 6 year old nephew because her heavily pregnant sister is going on a well-deserved date with her husband.

"You didn't think this through, did you?" her sister from the other end is trying so hard not to laugh.

She sighed, "No", her sister laughed. "Well, you just have to come home early then!"

"If Jae's not horny then maybe I will" she grumbled under her breath upon hearing her sister remarks. Her nephew is a piece of work. He's a good kid, but has too much energy inside his 6 year old body. With sugar addition at night, he's a nightmare.

"Alright Aera, I have to go, Jae has to bribe Sian with a Happy Meal so I have to get him ready" she can hear the ruckus in the Kang household through the phone as her husband tried to get her nephew ready to get a happy meal. Not only full of energy, Sian is also a smart 6 year old kid. In order to let his parents have a peaceful date, two people has to bribe him with food, a happy meal and a box of 6 cupcakes. A smart kid indeed.

"Sure. Hwaiting Haneul!" Aera said chuckling. Even though she can't see her sister's reaction, Aera one hundred percent sure Haneul rolled her eyes at her remarks.

Putting her phone back inside her bag, Aera continues walking. Her sister need her at 6pm and it's only 5pm, so she took the long way to get to her sister's house, ditching her car in front of her shop.

Walking through Han river during this time is majestic. The orange glow from the sun reflected on the peaceful water of Han river made the scene looks like it came out from pictures. People also bustling around Han river during this time, they either wants to watch the sunset, or they're just like Aera, choosing the long way just to bask in the beautiful atmosphere of Han river during this hour.

Her eyes wandered around the visitors, from a happy family having a picnic, youngsters mingling, people who works out, people who walks their pet to a kid sitting alone on a bench.

Wait, a kid sitting alone on a bench?

She stopped at her track, her eyes wandering around, looking for a sign of adult who supervises the kid. But there's none. Others was too busy in their own world to even acknowledges the kid who sits alone on the bench, with his eyes looking around seemingly lost.

Aera took her feet to approach the kid, worries sets in her stomach.

"Hello aga, are you okay?" his big eyes looked up to her, looking scared but tried to mask it so he'd look brave.

"Daddy said I'm not allowed to talk to strangers" She stared at the kid wide-eyed. He actually got a point.

"That's fair..." she shuffled in her feet, not knowing what to do next, "who are you came here with?" she asked softly, not wanting to scared the poor kid.

He sigh, "With Mina, but Mina is on the phone" she nodded, cautiously sitting next to the boy.

"Do you know where Mina is right now?" he shrugged, lips quivering about to cry.

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