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flipping through documents in the back of the car, doyoung sighed heavily as he stared at all of the material that needed to be gone through at the meeting that was being held in two hours at the beekman in the financial district. he had been quite stressed out lately what with taking over his father's position and all the work being thrown at him by the rest of the company to make sure than he was actually ready.

"sir, we're here," the driver said, opening the separation between the back seat and front seat to tell doyoung. doyoung nodded and stacked his files on top of each other, opening the door of his car and getting out.

"thank you mr. lee," doyoung said. "the meeting will last until around 6pm, so please feel free to go and do what you want. i'll contact you when you need to pick me up."

nodding, the he drove away as doyoung walked into the building, scanning his id and nodding at the guards as he moved through the doors. he weaved through the many people who stood around talking with each other in the common area before walking into the meeting room where all the divider walls were taken down to accommodate for the large meeting.

looking at the layout of the room, he found his place and went over to it, setting his files down and sliding into the seat next to a man in a classic black suit with his hair gelled to perfection. he was scanning the papers in front of him which were covered with graphs and statistics that doyoung honestly didn't really care about. not the best thing to not pay attention to since he was a businessman who could have taken advantage of another company's information laid out right there for him to see, but the hunger and lack of sleep caused him to forget most logic. he instead chose to set up his material in front of him before promptly closing his eyes, determined to catch a wink of sleep before this dreaded 10 hour meeting.

that was proved not possible when everyone started filing into the room, their loud voices all mushing together and causing doyoung's eyes to snap open. silently groaning, he ruffled his hair and fixed it, opening his ipad and pulling up the notes app.

"uh excuse me," the man beside him said in korean. "are you dongyoung kim? the new ceo of hanjin group?"

"yes i am. who may you be?" doyoung asked politely.

"my name is yukhei wong. i own onism, the group that manages multiple tourism companies around the world."

"ah, the one centered in hong kong?"

yukhei smiled and nodded.

"i must say, the name of your group is quite beautiful. 'the awareness of how little of the world you'll experience in your life' if i'm correct?" doyoung said, leaning back in his chair slightly as he looked at the man.

yukhei nodded once again. "yes, you are correct and thank you. i'm honestly quite surprised that you know what the word means; i've never actually met someone who does so i always have to explain it. it's refreshing," he said, laughing softly towards the end of his sentence.

doyoung looked away as people started to sit next to them, nodding towards the two. "i tend to randomly look for words about emotions that one feels but can't explain. it's quite fun in my opinion."

"yes, i agree. in fact, that's how i named onism. i was just looking at random words and it caught my attention."

doyoung hummed softly in acknowledgment of what yukhei said.

"well mr. wong, i find that quite interesting. my group was named after my grandfather who founded it. quite the original story, huh?"

yukhei let out a laugh at that, causing for doyoung to also smile.

"very original mr. kim."

"i know."

the two men elapsed into silence as the chatter around them picked up before dissipating quickly as the meeting began.

"we will now begin the meeting. welcome to the 27th annual world travel conference! i'm your host for today, alvin fischer. it's a pleasure to be here with everyone and i hope that we can have a good day today!"

light applause filled the room as alvin smiled at everyone before moving onto the many topics that were going to be covered.

"right before our lunch break, we will have a presentation from one of the captains and flight attendants of korean air, owned by hanjin group with its current ceo being mr. dongyoung kim." a few eyes turned to doyoung and he smiled politely and nodded in acknowledgement.

'when was it planned that a captain and an attendant were going to present?' doyoung thought internally before remembering that his father existed and probably decided it without telling him.

doyoung sighed. even as the ceo, he still had little power over the group as his father made most of the decisions and then made doyoung go and execute them, almost as if he was his personal robot.

the hours shot by quickly as everyone payed attention to the speakers and took notes, socializing with the people around them and forming connections when they could. doyoung was just about to fall asleep when alvin came back to the podium and started to introduce the next guests.

"our next presenters are from korean air and they will be talking about the new measures that the airline has taken in order to make traveling more safe and comfortable for their passengers. please join me in welcoming captain qian and flight attendant lee!"

doyoung snapped out of his tired state and squinted slightly to see who was getting up onto the stage. and it was safe to say that he didn't expect one of them at all.



ew what even are good endings

take a cute illie and an ethereal lele as a thanks for 3k on this crappy book 💕

anywaystake a cute illie and an ethereal lele as a thanks for 3k on this crappy book 💕

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