Chapter Two

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Two voices emitted at the same time... After a brief silence, Harry finally spoke.

"Who the hell are you?"

"I'm Carrie, now care to tell me why you are in my house Potter?''

''Trying to save the world of course''
With Harry speaking to Carrie, effectively distracting her, Hermione, with a rushbif power shouted 'petrificus totalus'. With the abruptness of the curse, Carrie was unable to react in time falling to the floor in a dull thud. The trio winced, Hermione remembering the way Neville complained after their first year about the way the curse had made him fall. Ron had been reminded of fourth year when being the ever gallant Gryffindor let Harry practice offensive spells on him for the lead up to the Trinidad Tournament. And Harry being Harry had had his fair share of hexes, jinxes and curses in his time to know that the curses were painful little shits.

Should've done a Cushioning charm, Harry thought to himself as he used the levitating charm wandlessly, to prop the mysterious girl onto the moth-bitten sofa. He contemplating the incarcerous charm to keep her in place but decided against it and mutted finite under his breath.

With a sudden jolt, the cryptic girl, Carrie sat up in a fright, wincing after a moment. She sat for a fleeting moment checking her surroundings in fear for foul play.

A bitter chuckle came from the younger girls mouth. She looked up to see the faces of the three Gryffindors. Hermione had a defensive stance, both curiosity and protectively scored on her face. Ron had a similar look on his, but the main emotion was pure and utter confusion. When Carrie turned to look at Harry she instinctively flinched, her jaw clenched, eyes drifting of to the side. The glasses, unruly hair and the defensive stance triggering a painful memory she only has brief recollection on, one that she has seen in pictures up in the attic. In a pained whisper she spoke "James." It was barely audible, Hermione heard but decided not to dwell on it, recognising the pain in her voice, one she had experienced herself not so long ago. She had sympathy but refused  to show it.

Recovering from the instant of anguish, a smirk grew on the teens face and spoke in a voice, one eerily reminiscent of that of Narcissa Malfoy. "So," Carrie announced, "Isn't there supposed to be security questions, or does the downfall of Albus make you loose all of your common sense."

"Who are you?" Ron blurted out. Hermione hit the back of his head cursing about Weasley's and their nature of being abrupt.

"Carrie nice to meet you." Her smirk not faltering, she struck her hand out from beside her. They all stared at the hand like it was a foreign object.
"I don't bite you know, well not all the time anyway." Mischief twinkle in her steal like eyes, a familiar sight to them  all. This seemed to shake Harry from his slight trance, as ,with apprehension, took the extended hand half heartedly.

Hermione was nearly sorted into two of the four houses. The most likely, and most obvious was Ravenclaw, we all know she was wise beyond her years and was as knowledge as Flitwick. However, she was also considered for Slytherin, not even Harry or Ron knew this. She retained knowledge for the reason to be able to protect Harry from the fears they spent the past 6 years competing against. However, Hermione was observant. She was the only one who recognised the symptoms of Remus' lycanthrope during their third year, she saw Snape jinxing Harry's broom in 1st year. She was able to see things that Harry and Ron went able too. Carrie had grey, roguish, aged eyes. Eyes which has seen horror beyond her years. The pained recognition of Harry by his near identical appearance to James Charlus Potter.

"You're Carina aren't you?" Hermione spoke. Carina looked up shocked by the revelation. "I over heard Sirius talking to Dumbledore before, aren't you supposed to be dead?" Much to everyone's relief an eased smile dawned on Carrie's face.

"Carina Lily Black-Allard, pleasure to meet you all." A juvenile smile materialised on the young Blacks face.

"You're a Black?"
"You're an Allard?"

A/N. Please comment if you see any spelling or grammatical errors, I don't have a very good spell check. Also I'm not an author so this is not as good as it could be

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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