Galaxy Warriors vs Robotnik

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(Sonic's POV)

That lunatic doctor is messing with every life on the galaxy and he sure is lost his sanity for sure. No going back to what he was because he's long gone. Sorry, Robotnik. We can't let your insanity destroy the galaxy.

"Ahem!" I cleared my throat to get his attention and when he turned around, he noticed that we still have our hedgehog ears and looks, indicating that we are still supers again.

"You still have powers?!" He exclaims.

"Yes and we're stopping you!" I said.

"Pathetic young child. Like you said, everyone has a weakness" Robotnik sneered.

"We'll see Ro-butt-nik!" I insulted him with my cocky attitude.


"Heroes assemble!" I ran at the robots with my team.

"INCOMING!!!" Silver threw some psychic blasts at some robots.

"Silver, human bullet! Now!" I said as he lifted me up and shot me straight towards the robots like a bullet as I penetrated them one by one, "Bullseye!" I shouted and posed.

"Don't assume this is easy for you, teenagers!" Robotnik said with a crazy tone.

"Fight like a man, Egghead!" I taunted him.

"So be it!" He came out controlling a giant red robot with its cockpit being in the head, "Come face your doom!"

"Guys, get ready!" Amy said.

We all spread out as we attacked Eggman's robot he controlled.

"Hold still you blasted heroes!" He yelled and ejects it's arms like missiles at us but we dodged them.

Shadow teleported up on the robot and tore off a piece of armor from it trying to damage its circuits.

"Oh, don't get cocky kid!" Eggman struck him off the robot but Shadow teleported away in time.

"You sure totally gone over the edge!" Shadow said, cracking his knuckles.

I made my move by dashing three times onto his robot and Shadow joined by giving one hard blow at one of the legs.

"NO! STOP!" Eggman cried out.

"What's the matter Eggman? Afraid to lose?!" I taunted him.

"Are you afraid of losing your friends the same way you lost your daddy?!" Eggman mocked me.

"I'm not afraid of you and you're making a big mistake to talk about my father like that!" I got mad and dashed him four more times.

"And team work is always the strongest!" Amy smashed the optics on the robot.

"And friendship is powerful! Something you would never have!" Silver said and tore the arms. He used his telekinetic powers to crush the robot's weapons, allowing Shadow to make his move.

"And we are superheroes!" Shadow rips the robots with his bare hands.

"You are done Egghead!" I delivered the final blow to the giant robot Eggman controlled.

"AAAAGH!!! I HATE THOSE HEROES!!!" He yelled in anger.

It fell like gravity pulled him and his robot down but with my lightspeed, I know for sure that the robot will explode. I gotta move fast so I can get Robotnik out. I opened the cockpit and pulled him out just as the robot started to explode very slowly in my perspective. The combustion from the explosion is about to spread but with my lightspeed, I can save everyone on time while they are frozen in time. I laughed a little at Egghead's frightened expression. I ran at full speed outside the base and put him down and ran back inside to save my teammates.

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