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I looked up and noticed the person standing by the door. I was in shock. Why did they come here? How was I meant to explain this? I tried my best to get onto draco's bed. He also stood in shock.

"Why are you here?" Draco asked.

They looked around. "So this is what you do when you're not with me? Fuck eachother?" They said they were angry.

I sat on draco's bed and grabbed some covers to wrap around me.

"I think it's best if you go," Draco says to me.

I could barely walk. I tried to stand. My legs shook as I grabbed my clothes. I walked to the door.

"Pansy, you missed out tonight. He's great, but you can keep him" I said and walked out.

Luckily everyone else was in bed and I managed to get from draco's room to mine without being noticed naked. I sat on my bed. He was great, but so was ron. What was I meant to do. Ron was made at me already for kissing draco, I couldn't tell him I fucked him as well. This was going to be hard. Pansy knew about it, she can't keep her mouth shut. How long until Pansy spills her guts?

I laid on my bed and looked at the ceiling. I was angry at ron for being jealous, did I really sleep with draco? I was confused. I closed my eyes and fell asleep hoping this was all a dream.


I woke up to silence. Everyone must still be asleep. I got up and got dressed. My thighs hurt, it hit me. I really did sleep with draco. I looked at the time and panicked. It was 9:25 am. That's why it was quiet. Everyone was in class. My fathers class.

I rushed as best as I could to class and walked in. Everyone looked round as they looked at me. Ron smiled at the sight of me. Hopefully he got over last night, well the kiss. I couldn't tell him about last night.

"Why are you late?" Snape asked.

"Erm, I overslept," I said.

I wasn't lying, I did.

"Late night?" Snape asked again.

Pansy began to laugh. Everyone turned and looked at Pansy instead of me.

"Tell everyone why you overslept, I dare you," Pansy said.

My heart began to pound. Ron was in this class. If Pansy said it then Ron might not ever forgive me. Draco didn't look around and he kept his eyes on his book.

"Go on," Pansy said.

I acted confused. "Don't act stupid" Pansy said.

She began to laugh and she stood up. Draco finally looked up. He didn't seem to care, but I did.

"She was fucking my boyfriend last night". She said.

Ron's eyes widened at me. He knew exactly who Pansy was talking about. Everyone whispered.

Draco rolled his eyes "were friends" Draco said to Pansy.

I stood awkwardly in the middle of class. Ron stood up and left. I looked around and everyone was focused on draco and Pansy as they began to argue. I followed Ron but he walked faster. I ran to catch up however my legs were struggling. I tried my best and pushed myself to catch up. I managed to catch up and walk next to him. He was still walking fast.

"Ron just stop and talk to me please." I said.

My legs were struggling to keep up. I needed him to stop.

"Ronald Weasley" I shouted and he stood.

He had his back to me.

"Is it true?" He said.

Seductive: Ron Weasley smut: part 1Where stories live. Discover now