He said, " Why did you take my car? You have your own car."

I said, " I like driving yours. You are the one that let me drive it."

He said, " I let you drive it twice, and you always take my car."

I sighed and said, " Nik. You told me that I can drive it whenever I want. So, I wanted to drive it, so I did. Its just a car."

He said, " You're lucky, I love you."

I said, " I love you. Now we have a party to get ready for."

He nodded and said, " I will be up in a bit. I just have to talk with Elijah."

I nodded, and went upstairs.

I got a shower and then put on my dress. It was light blue, with black lace, and strapless. I put on some eyeshadow, mascara and eyeliner. I curled my hair, and put on the bracelet Nik had given me thirty years ago. It was a diamond bracelet.

I walked out of the bathroom and into the room. Nik was tying his tie, and turned around and looked at me.

I put on my black heels, and he said, " You look gorgeous, my love."

I looked at him and noticed he was having trouble tying his tie. I walked over to him, and tied it for him.

I said, " You never learned to tie a tie."

He said, " Why would I need to learn that, when I have you?"

I laughed and said, " We should go."

He said, " Before we go. I need to tell you something."

I said, " What is it?"

He said, " Rebekah and Stefan are going to miss half of the party."

I said, " What do you mean?"

He said, " Rebekah and Stefan will be at the first half of the party, but not the end. They are going to the cemetery to make sure the witch does her spell."

I said, " What spell is that?"

He said, " To find the witch. Once the locator spell is finished, Rebekah and Stefan will go get the witch. We need to keep Marcellus occupied."

I said, " How are we going to keep him occupied? We never were able to keep his attention for so long, when he was human. He always wondered off and did his own thing."

He said, " I'm sure, we can keep him occupied. We are his parents."

I said, " We can't tell him about us, remember."

He said, " I know, love. We will just talk with him and have some drinks. Keep him occupied long enough for Rebekah and Stefan to get the witch."

I sighed and said, " Alright."

He pecked my lips and he said, " You're wearing the bracelet."

I said, " Yeah. You were the one that gave it to me."

He said, " I haven't seen you wear it, since we got here."

I said, " I just wanted to wear it. Lets go."

He nodded and we walked out of our room, and went downstairs. Everyone was waiting in the foyer.

Kat was wearing a black, dress with a slit in the leg, and barely even covers the top. Bekah is wearing a red and White lace, off the shoulder gown.

Kol said, " Darling, don't you look nice."

He kissed my hand, and I heard Nik lightly growl. Kol always likes to antagonize Nik, and I usually go along with it.

Love of a Mother Where stories live. Discover now