
Hospital hallways are deserted at this time of the day. My boots squeak on the spotless floor as I look for Alec's office.

I started to volunteer at Harris Memorial a couple of days ago. Although they didn't have a volunteering program per se, Alec talked to the management about me as soon as he took the job of a thoracic surgeon there. For now, I help Alec with some administrative duties. Being at the hospital gives me some valuable insight into how things work. It will surely make things easier for me in the future.

Locating the familiar name on a white door, I knock and wait for Alec to invite me in.

"Come on in," he says, and I open the door to his office.

"Busy?" I ask, stepping inside.

Alec shakes his head. "No surgeries scheduled for today. I'm doing some paperwork and getting ready for tomorrow's ones. Besides, I'll be here tomorrow night."

"A night shift?" 

"Yeah. Me and Alan Morris both. There's not much for you to do here now, Brian. If you have somewhere to be, you can leave."

Letting out a deep exhalation, I lean against the door. "To be honest, I came to see you cause I'm waiting for Leah's answer, and I need something to busy myself with not to go crazy."

"Are you going to talk to her?"

"If she lets me," I mumble, staring at my feet. "I know I fucked up, but Mac slammed the door in my face, and Leah doesn't want to hear me out, either. It makes me feel helpless."

Alec gets up from his chair at the desk and walks up to me. 

"Don't give up just yet," he says, resting his hand on my shoulder. "That's the hurt speaking, but they will come around. And they will get it once they know the whole story. You went away and did some good. Lots of good. Even though you were immature and whiny at first."

"Thanks, Doc," I say.

Alec smiles. Those smiles are more frequent now than they used to be. Maybe the famous phrase about time healing wounds has some truth to it, after all. I sure hope it does. 

My phone buzzes in my pocket. Alec's expression is just as expectant as mine is. His brown eyes are glued to me as I pull the phone out and unlock the screen.

There's a text.

Leah: Yes.


The following evening, I'm standing next to a snug coffee shop on campus where Leah and I agreed to meet. I clutch my phone in my clammy hands, and my stomach is twisted in knots.

Now and then, I glance at the screen, although she isn't late yet. Deep down, I'm afraid Leah will change her mind and decide not to see me.

The rumble of a bike's engine makes my eyes flare. I look at the motorcycle, which turns out to be a Harley, and my eyes widen even more when I see who the rider is.

The girl hops off the bike and unclips her helmet. Her movements are swift and practiced. My mouth goes dry when I watch my Kitten in a pair of tight fucking pants and some leathers stroll toward me, looking as if she owns the world.

She does own my world. Always has, always will.

Her shiny dark hair falls just below her shoulders. Her lips are red again. She looks beautiful. Beautiful and hot. So hot my jeans feel tight only from looking at her. Not having been with her in ten months doesn't help the boy's case, either. Fuck my life.

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