a strange start

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he is not sure how he got here, he remembers hunting in the woods, fighting off invaders, when he was alone, he saw a black mist. but yet, when his vision cleared he was in a new place, unfamiliar to him, nearby was a campfire, 2 actually, although one was further in the distance.

he was looking at the campfire nearby, there appeared to be about 24, all human, looking stressed. he slowly approached, the glanced up, and upon seeing me started to slowly move away, one of them, who wore glasses and a tie, mouthed to another, who had a cap and police shirt on, "how did the wraith get here". he replied with a shrug. you call out to them, "WHAT'S A WRAITH" (you yelled because you were a little bit far away).

they looked at each other confused, as if they had never heard something like that before. they slowly moved forward towards the campfire, and sat down, almost never blinking or taking their eyes off of me. one with a cigarette asked, "who are you?".  i replied with "i am kesta lilyreap, and who the F### BROUGHT ME HERE, BEFORE I GRAB MY SPEAR AND  ##### ## ## ### ## #### ### #### ### #### ### ### # ####!"another person stood up and walked to me, and punched me in the face. i responded by picking him up, slamming him into a tree nearby, kneeing him in the stomach, kicking him into the ground, and placing a foot on his throat. "what was that" i had asked. all the other people had backed away during that fight. i looked around, "it would appear that i am not welcome here, therefore i shall leave" so i take off (not flying) and head for the other campfire, on the other side of this "forest".

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