Your Knight In Shinning Armour

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(You are a princess/Guys are Princes/Splinter is King/Leo is the one who will get the thrown/ Raphael is leader of the royal guard/Mikey is the top chef/And Donnie helps with engineering new things)
You were on your way to kingdom far away from your home with your mother and father. Out of all seven of their daughters you were the only one who wanted to see the kingdom. Plus your father said that you would be meeting your future husband when you came of age. And this was his home.

(Your/King): Splinter come here old friend.

Your mother and father liked coming here. But your dad liked it the most. He and the King of Monsters went back all the way to when they were little kids too. The four princes were outside but only one was beside him. You looked at him then smiled and waved. He blushed and straightened up. His father told him that the person he would be marrying. (If he didn't pick one of his own). Would be the princess that would be coming today. Once your father and his friend caught up. You were saying farewell to him and lightly kissed his cheek. Making him have a goofy smile.

(You are now 18 years old)
You were sitting in your chambers brushing your hair. As the dress you wore went all the way down to your feet. You were meeting with yet another suitor. Since your sisters were already married and at their own palaces. You knew that it was your duty to marry and to be wed to a king. But you wanted adventure, excitement, and wanted true love. Not to marry simply because he was a prince. You were going down the stairs to the carriage. Your father said goodbye to you and you sat in the carriage ready to go. You looked at the places you stopped to draw. When you were cleaning yourself off the first night. You heard something and walked backwards in the water. You saw one of the knights that came with you from the Monster Kingdom and sighed in relief.

Knight: Hello Milady. I just came by to give you this. I'll start a fire for you.
"Thank you...what's your name?"

He turned around and looked at you really confused.

Knight: You want to know my name?
"Of course."
Knight: Even though I'm a Monster?
"Oh no no no. On the contrary I stay clear away from looks. I feel that if your a good person it shouldn't matter what's on the outside."

He took off his helmet kneeling on his right he lifted up your hand and looked at you. His green emerald eyes enchanting your own.

R: The names Raphael princess.

He kissed your hand then got up and walked away. You got out and got into clothes that were more comfortable. You changed into boots and pants with a shirt with a black vest. Your clothes hugged your bigger curves nicely. The three other knights and Raphael were surprised that you sat down with them and in those types of clothes.

"Hello gentlemen."
All Knights: Your Highness.
"Please y/n is fine."
R: But the laws state that we have to address you like that.
"Well if you must then I cannot control you. But if you didn't my lips are sealed."

You all laughed and they told you stories about your adventures and quests. Raphael was intrigued that you were interested on getting to know them. The next day you sat there with a smile as you drew in your book. Raphael pulled up to your window the other three smiled and kept going on.

R: So, Lady y/n why are we escorting you to our kingdom?
"Hmm well your a smart man what do you think?"
R: You are meeting a suitor correct?
"I am. I don't know who or what he looks like. But if he's anything like you four I will be pleased to call him king."
R: You think your marrying the future king?
Knight: Ha!
2Kn: Princess your marrying the leader of the royal guard.
3Kn: Aka our boss! (Laughs)

The three of them started laughing as Raphael shook his head in frustration. You closed your book and smiled with your eyes closed.

R: Sorry to be the bearer of bad news princess.
"Listen Raphael, I do not care for what position he's in. As long as he's there for his men and wants to protect his people and do the right thing. Then I would gladly fight along side him."
3Kn: You a princess in a fight? Hahaha! You cannot fight!
"Oh really?"
3kn: Yes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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