Just two friends hanging out

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Raphael knew what he was, he saw it every day of his life, people at night would make sure he knew when they would go out on patrol. Every night they would run and scream calling them monsters, freaks, devils, ugly, beast, anything really. Because of their appearance all four of them suffer from insecurities. But Raphael had it worse, he couldn't stand looking at a single part of his body without hating it. He got sad whenever he saw couples holding hands while walking down the streets.
Even if he wouldn't admit it to anybody, not even himself. He wanted someone to hold at night, he wanted to be with someone to take care of them.
When they were all little they went out into the sewers and found a box full of old DVD's. One of them was about how a prince who got cursed to be an ugly mean beast. And how a pretty young girl fell in love with his personality and didn't pay attention to the fact that he was a monster. And after they both lived happily ever after and broke the curse and he turned into a human again.
He wanted to be someone's Beast Raphael wanted to have a connection with someone that no other guy had. But as he became older the red masked ninja turtle abandoned his little fantasy to the every back of his mind.
Even if he had found his Beauty they wouldn't love him back, they wouldn't want to be with him. Raphael convinced himself that he was going to be alone the rest of his life. He did have his family, April and even Casey but he wanted to have a connection with someone out side of his family circle. And three years ago when they were all fifteen when he met his beauty.
She's kind, sweet, funny, smart, not Donnie smart but he knew that she was hell of a lot smarter then him.
And damn was she beautiful, granted she was a bigger woman but she pulled it off. Big hips, nice rack, and her butt. God he loved looking at her ass at least when she didn't notice. But what he loves most of all is all of that cuddle material for afterwards. In the human world males eyes don't go for the girl who looks like a cow. At least that's what you said and when Raph heard you talk so lowly about yourself you bet your ass that he just blew up.
He asked how could men not like bigger women? And that they should try imagining cuddling with a skinny girl with only a butt and chest. He would say. Of course they were pretty in their own right. But to Raphael (y/n) was beautiful, a goddess in a mortal world. And he was one of the very few who were lucky enough to know you personally.

"Earth to Raphael? Hello you in there buddy?"

He turned his head towards you as he was currently sitting on the left side of the couch in the living room. As a movie you both played was now showing the credits. Your arms were crossed over top of your chest as you stood in front of him.

R: Heya sweetheart what seems ta be the matter?
"Well you missed the entire movie because you were daydreaming... again..."

You rolled your eyes as he sighed looking down towards you. While thinking to himself seeing your red shorts.

R: 'Man she looks so good in red... wonder if she has any red bras or maybe some underwear? Who am I kidding she'd be better looking naked...'

You heard him growl looking in the tv screen you saw him starring at your ass. You smiled as you purposely swayed your hips side to side. You got onto his lap looking up at the green giant. The two of you have been secretly dating for the passed three months and honestly it was amazing. You loved it whenever he'd hold you in his arms. It always made you feel perfect. He leaned in to kiss you when you placed a finger on his lips.

"Oh no you don't big Red. Not until you tell me what's wrong."
R: Nothing's wrong I was just thinking.
"About what?"
R: About you...and us.
"Raph you ok?"

He tightened up his grip on your body pulling it in. His head going into your shoulder. You played with his bandanna tails when you did. You were looking at the back of his head.

R: Damn I'm so lucky to have ya y/n... I know I kid a lot but seriously I'm the luckiest guy ever to have you for a girl.
"...Thank you...I feel the same way when it comes to you to..."

You and Raphael sat there on the couch and watched another movie. The guys came back during the last part. You were in lap a blanket around you and the popcorn in your lap. The three of them planned to scare the two of you when this happened.


You screamed and covered your face with the blanket. He chuckled, while wrapping his arms around you.

R: Your ok, it's just a movie he's not gonna get ta you.

He removed the blanket from your face. This being the moment they were going to pounce. He smiled and looked at you.

R: I promise.

He kissed you the three of them stopping dead in their tracks hiding behind a wall.

M: Did either of you guys know?
L: Nope.
D: I know I didn't....oh but now that I'm looking back on it yeah I saw signals.

They all listen in to the conversation the two of you were having.

"God I'm barely going to sleep now."
R: Well if that's the case I got something to pass the time.

You blushed as he chuckled a little bit. He looked at the tv as you looked at him.

"When are we going to tell them."
R: Y/n we already talked about this.
"No we didn't I bring it up but you change the subject."
R: How could you say that babe I mean really why would I do that?
"Because your!- (deep breaths) ok I'm calm now. But really I mean their your brothers. Why wouldn't they be happy about it."
R: It's not that I don't give a shot about what they think.
"Then what?"
R: (sighs) All of us know what it's like to be lonely. But Mikey's only joked around about having a girlfriend. Donnie's more into science then he is women. And Leo doesn't like talking about having girlfriends because let's be honest I barely had a chance with you.
"Hey now give me some credit."
R: Ok ok I will. But in all seriousness I'd just hate to tell them because I don't want to make me feel more down about themselves.

They all had mouth drops not believing why he didn't want to tell them. They all looked at one another and blushed from embarrassment.

"Raph you wouldn't make them feel down you'd bring them up. Because if you can get a girlfriend I'm positive that they can too."
R: Whats that supposed to mean?
"Another time hun..."
R: Fine...
"Promise me you'll think about it?"
R: Alright fine I'll think about it.

You kissed his cheek and nuzzled his chest. The three of them smiled and thought about that might happening to them. As it got to another scary part you covered up again. They all acted as though they just walked in and sat down. Mikey hiding behind the couch.

M: Popcorn please.
"Here you go."
L: What are you watching?
D: I think it's the shining.
"Sure is he's making me watch it."
R: No I'm not you could turn it off any time you wanted to.
L: Oh thank god.
M: Ya!
"Ok let's put on South Park!"
R: I'm in.
M: I love Kenny he's funny!
D: He doesn't even talk.
M: Still!

You and Leo looked at one another making you smile knowing that they knew about the two of you. But just for Raph's sake. They pretend that it was just two friends hanging out.

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