The Bloody Witch of the East

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"The deal included her help in killing my darling mother as well, in return, I would give her my mother's Grimoire." Kol tried once more, certainly his mother's grimoire would be good bait.

"Grimoire?" Mira frowned before an understanding was clear in her expression. "I see, so that's why she decided to help you. Very well, I'll give you a hand but you'll have to reach a consensus with your siblings before I do."

"Why?" He asked, well more like whined like a little boy. While Satella would go along with his wild plans, Mira was a stick in the mud because she always needed a plan for everything, and would never charge mindlessly.

"Because you have an enemy in common and the enemy of my enemy is my friend or at least not the enemy I shall deal with first. While normally that wouldn't force an alliance, these are your siblings. You should tell them you have returned, and inform them of your plans." Mira, said wisely. Kol just groaned.

"I don't want to." This time it was pretty obvious he was just whining.

"Tough luck brat, you want my help you talk with your siblings." Mira replied annoyed.

"So that's your mom voice? West mentioned it, I never believed it until now." He commented, trying to change the conversation because he was all for ignoring his sibling's existence. He was still quite pissed at them.

He fucking died and only Nik mourned him and even that was quick, that blonde vampire in Mystic Falls said a few words and Nik totally forgot to avenge him but at least he showed some emotion about his passing. Meanwhile, Bekah went on a scavenger hunt with his killers to find the cure, at least he got the pleasure of watching that blow up on their faces. Elijah, on the other hand, probably didn't notice he died since at the time he was balls deep into the trollop Katerina.

It wasn't like it was a surprise, he had long since gotten used to the fact that he wasn't a part of the 'always and forever' promise. It was why he never spent too much time with his siblings, why he roamed the world with witches while pretending he didn't have any close family. Well that, and the usual dagger threats he received whenever he was around them.

"Don't change the subject, even if you do not get along you are still family." Mira tried once.

"Tell that to my mother and my brother Finn." He said rolling his eyes. "How about you call North to heal West for that matter?"

"Even If called she would not come, but I will still inform her of our sister's status." The witch replied with a frown. "As you should inform your siblings."

"Ughh." He groaned. "Fine, I will go to the Abbotoir and say 'hi-backfromthedead-bye'. However, you must come with me."

"Are you that afraid of your siblings?" Now the witch was just plain amused.

"I just want you to see first hand why I don't want to go there." He replied. Well, that and showing off the power of his allies on his brother's face to stop him from having any bright ideas, like daggering him.

Satella would have been perfect for the job, but Mira would have to do. They were both strong and very old witches, but Mira's personality came off as standoffish and cold while Satella was a volcano about to erupt.

"Fine, let us go see the other Original brats." She nodded, it seems she was expecting a good show.

"You do know that we're a thousand years old right?" He rolled his eyes but started walking towards the exit.

"And I still have a few centuries over you brat, and don't you forget that." She replied with a glare.

Why did he make friends with a bunch of older immortal witches again?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2021 ⏰

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