Davy Jones & Maggie's Spirit

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Later that evening it started to rain hard as the crew of the Black Pearl stared at a scuttled ship that had run aground on some rocky shoals. Despite the vessel's pathetic and not-at-all scary appearance, Captain Jack and Gibbs seemed frightened and nerve-filled staring at it.

But William wasn't impressed at all. "That's the Flying Dutchman?" He asked, skeptical. "She doesn't look like much?"

"Neither do you!" Jack snapped "Do not underestimate her."

Jack nudged Gibbs. "Must've run afoul of the reef!" Gibbs said.

"So what's your plan?" Jack asked Will.

"I row over, search the ship until I find your bloody key!" Will told him determined.

"And if there are crewmen?" Jack asked him.

"I cut down anyone in my path" Will said. He was fed up with this wild goose chase. All he wanted was to get Elizabeth out of that jail cell and down the aisle like she wanted. But of course, Jack Sparrow had to go and  complicate everything for his own selfish needs.

Jack thought of Will's plan. "I like it" he told Gibbs "simple... easy to remember!"

Will climbed over the rail of the Pearl and into a waiting longboat.

"Oi!" Jack called down to him "If you do happen to get captured just say 'Jack Sparrow sent me to settle his debt'! Might save your life!"

As soon as Will was a safe distance away in the longboat, Jack ordered the crew to douse the lamps. One by one the lanterns that lit the Black Pearl's deck went out.

Jack watched Will through his spy glass as he climbed aboard the doomed vessel. The Flying Dutchman should be making it's grand appearance soon and Will would slip aboard the ghostly ship as a prisoner and find the key! So in a way Jack didn't lie to Will, he merely left out the part about Will being a prisoner for him and the part about that shipwreck not being the actual ship of  Davy Jones.

"Why's it so dark out here?" Someone asked.

Jack spun around and saw Maggie standing behind him.

"You march right back to your room, Young Lassie!" He told her "Ye know you're grounded!"

"What am I even grounded for?" Maggie asked.

"For not telling me about that thing on your right palm!" He told her.

"Well, it's you're fault it's there anyway!" She shouted.

"Keep your voice down!" Jack told her sternly, he didn't want Davy Jones or his crew to know they were there.

"Why?" She yelled "Is there any other secrets you've been keeping from me that I should about? Is a giant seagull going to eat me because you made a deal with Blackbeard!"

"That is none of your business!" Jack told her "Now get back in your room and stay there!"

"What's wrong with you?!" Maggie asked him "You think I don't know what's going on? You don't think I can see how nervous you've been lately? How you been so secretive when you always tell me everything!"

"There are some things you're too young to know!" Jack snapped.

"Like how you made a deal with Davy Jones and he's sending the Kraken after us?" Maggie yelled "That's what these spots on our hands are about!"

"Magnolia Morgan Sparrow, that is enough!" Jack growled, using her full name. "Now I'm your father and you'll do as I say and go to your room!"

Maggie turned her back on him. "I wish you weren't my Father..." she mumbled as she walked towards her cabin.

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