Of Black Spot's and Mysterious Islands

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When Maggie finally fell asleep that night, Captain Jack looked in on her in her cabin and smiled. Maggie might be turning eight years old in a few days, but she was still his little girl.

He walked back to his cabin and sat down trying to chart their next course. But for some odd reason his compass still refused to work, the needle spun in circles but never stopped to point in the right direction.

He sighed and went to take a drink of rum. But when he turned the bottle over it was empty, aside from a few drops that came leaking out.

"Why is the rum always gone?" He asked himself.

He got up from his desk and struggled to keep his balance. "Oh..." He said "that's why."

He grabbed his hat off the globe and put it on his head. He grabbed a lit lantern as he walked down below deck to where the crew slept in their hammock's.

"As you were, gents" Jack told them.

Jack continued his way down to the rum locker, which he kept under lock and key to prevent young Maggie from getting inside. When it came to rum, she was curious.

Jack unlocked the room and walked in, he noticed all the rum racks were practically empty. He finally spotted a bottle on the bottom rack, he pulled it out noticing it was encrusted with barnacles. When he finally pried it out, he noticed it felt too heavy to be filled with rum. Turning it over he was surprised to see sand spilling out of it.

"Time's run out, Jack" came a voice from one end of the room.

Jack dropped the bottle causing it to shatter.

Jack lifted the lantern a little higher, peering around in the darkness. In the corner of the rum locker, he could see a sailor that looked like he came straight from the sea floor. He was soaked to the bone and had pale bleached out skin. And Jack was sure he noticed a starfish attached to his face with some barnacles. Yet Jack could've swore he knew the sailor.

"Bootstrap... Bill Turner?" Jack said, finally recognising him.


Meanwhile up on the main deck, Maggie came out of her cabin searching for her father. She hadn't actually been sleeping to begin with, when her father looked in on her she was pretending to sleep.

When she didn't find her Dad in his cabin, she knew he had to be in the rum locker. She quietly crept down to the rum locker, but stopped and hid behind a cask of rum when she heard an unfamiliar voice talking to her Dad.

"Is this a dream?" Her Dad asked.

"No..." A deep and strong voice said.

"I thought not, if it were, there'd be rum" her father said.

The man offered Jack a bottle encrusted with barnacles. Jack wiped the mouth of the bottle before taking a gulp.

"You got the pearl back, I see?" The man observed.

"I had some help retrieving the Pearl... your son" Jack told him.

The man seemed taken aback. "William?" He asked "he ended up a pirate after all?"

Maggie's eyes widened as she stared at the man. Her friend, Will Turner, came flashed before her eyes as she stared at him. She saw the Turner family resemblance.

Will's Dad? Bootstrap Bill Turner? She thought But he's dead, isn't he?

"And to what do I owe the pleasure of your carbuncle?" Jack asked.

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