Chapter 10: Love

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The way back home from the hospital was a slow, long walk. It didn't help that it was softly raining, either, but Amy insisted that they walk, as she was afraid that if Sonic carried the three of them at his speed, one of the twins might get dropped. Besides, Amy was tired of being carried and laying down all the time, as she'd spent practically all of the last day in a bed. It felt good to actually stretch her legs and not have to carry around the huge load.

Raindrops hit Sonic in a gentle plops, and he clutched Sierra closer to him to shield her young, soft body from the rain. He understood Amy's concern about him running, especially with the rain softening the ground and making it more slippery. So as much as he loved going fast, Sonic was content with the walk.

Neither hedgehog had much to say at that point, for they were both still in a little awe at what had happened, and that they were actually carrying their very own babies back home. Thrilling. When they finally found themselves back on Amy's doorstep, Sonic pulled Amy into a side hug.

"Amy...have I ever told you that you're amazing?"

The pink hedgehog smiled and wrapped her free arm around him. "Not lately."

"Well, let me tell you that now. You've just completely impressed me like you wouldn't believe."

She couldn't stop herself from blushing, but cursed her feelings. "Sonic...this isn't -"

"I know, the kids." He laughed a little. "The kids. They're cute, aren't they? I love them." He stroked little Sierra's quills again.

"I love them, too, Sonic."

The parents then entered their house, drying off the kids and themselves before plopping down on the couch, resting Sierra and Chase in between them.

Amy yawned again. For whatever reason, the doctor didn't let them leave until the next evening, so now it was around 8. Amy didn't know why, but she was feeling tired again.

"You tired, Amy?" Sonic asked almost rhetorically.

She nodded. "I'd like to say I'm now going to sleep better, but I know that's the exact opposite of what's going to happen. They're going to be crying and keeping us up all night now, Sonic."

Sonic frowned, then shook his head. "Nah. Just look at them, they're like little angels. I think we've lucked out and got the kind that don't cry."

Amy smiled and let Sierra play with her fingers. "It's still early, Sonic."

"And if they do cry, all I gotta do is hold 'em and then they won't anymore." He grinned cockily. "I guess I'm just good like that."

Amy rolled her eyes, once again, but when Sonic winked at her, she knew he was just teasing. As always.

"Alright, Mr. Hot Shot, if you're so good...why don't you give them their first diaper change?"

Sonic's mouth dropped, but he snapped it shut. ""

Amy smirked in satisfaction. "Yes, you. Since you're so good like that. And I know you payed complete attention to Vanilla while she was showing us how."

Sonic frowned a little, but knew he was trapped. It wasn't that he thought he'd get out of it completely, but he'd just hoped that Amy would do it first, and he could watch and learn from her before giving it a go himself.

"Well, I guess I'm winging it, then..." Sonic muttered and gathered Chase in his arms before heading to the changing table in the baby room.

Amy smiled, knowing that Sonic would do just fine, and too tired to get up and check on him. Dr. Angel said it would take a few days for her body to recover. She did feel much lighter, though. And happy to see her babies.

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