Chapter 9: Joy

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The room was smaller than Sonic expected, and had that unpleasant, too clean hospital smell. Sonic would have wrinkled his nose if his mind wasn't on other matters at that point. He gently set a sobbing Amy down on the bed and sat down next to her, letting her trembling fingers clutch his for support. Sonic gave her a big grin, as much to calm down his own heart as well as to reassure Amy.

"It's okay, Ames, it'll all be over in just a bit."

She nodded slightly, though her pretty features were twisted in agony. Sonic raised his free hand to wipe at some of her tears, then turned his eyes to survey the room. Why were there no nurses in yet? Sonic wanted to go and raise heck, but didn't dare leave Amy's side. The girl was still sobbing and breathing heavily, and Sonic wished he could do something besides just sit there and stare at her dumbly, but he couldn't.

"Just breathe." Sonic wanted to squeeze her hand, but she'd already cornered the market in that area.

Another scream escaped Amy's lips as she clutched onto the sheets of the bed. Sonic winced himself, as it hurt him to see her in so much pain and be unable to do anything.

"I'm here, Amy, it's okay."

She whimpered and bit her lip. "Sonic, it hurts..."

"I know, but you're gonna be fine. I'm not gonna let anything happen to ya." Sonic continued wiping her tears, then moving onto the beads of sweat on her forehead. She smiled just a little, through her tears, and it warmed Sonic's heart.

The tender moment was broken, though as nurses suddenly streamed into the room. It's about time, Sonic thought bitterly. Two of them immediately headed over to Amy to check on her. A thin-as-a-rail woodchuck started firing questions at Sonic, which he parried faster than she could ask them.

The only one that bothered him was, "Are you going to stay for the birthing?"

Hmph. As if anything in the world could tear him away from Amy at this moment, the most dramatic and painful one of all.

Wave after wave of pain clutched Amy's whole lower body, and she moaned. It was terrible, awful, horrible...if Sonic hadn't been there holding her hand, Amy might have passed out. She felt his gentle touch, though - his hand caressing her face, wiping at her tears. And it made her believe that she could make it through anything.

One of the nurses finally said, "Okay, Miss Amy, the contractions mean that the babies are getting ready to come out, but it will be awhile until they finally do."

Amy just blinked, and Sonic cocked his head. "Whaddya mean?" he asked.

"I mean that you aren't in labor yet, and you'll just have to hold on for a few hours."

"Hours?" Sonic echoed, but when Amy winced, he kicked himself. He had to be the strong one here.

"Yes, I'm afraid you're just going to have to hold on."

Amy closed her eyes as despair sat in. She was going to be in this agony...for hours upon hours upon hours? Sobs escaped her, but Amy suddenly found herself wrapped in a tight embrace.


"You're alright, I'm here," Sonic soothed and stroked her back. "We can make it through this together."

Another contraction hit Amy, and she gave Sonic a squeeze that reminded him of when they were both younger, and Amy had finally caught him after he'd been running from her. It took his breath away, as always, for her to be so clingy, but he inhaled sharply, knowing that now, it was his time to be strong for her once again.

And so for the next several long, intense, painful hours, Sonic sat right next to Amy, clutching her hand, enduring her screams that tugged at his heartstrings, trying his hardest to make her laugh. To get her mind off the pain. It was something that for some reason, came easy to him. And that he liked doing. All he had to do was just be himself around Amy, and she loved him for it.

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