The Hill we Climb - A poem based on a phrase based on a poem

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My teacher today had us listen to the inaugural poet's poem from yesterday and respond with a poem of our own. This is the poem I wrote. I was given 15 minutes to write it and being the lazy person I am I didn't continue after that time or edit. I apologize for the shittiness. 

The hill we must climb is long and treacherous,

The mountian decieves you, it thrives in it's cleverness

Each peak merely a false summit, existing only to show,

How much further we always will have to go.

Every barrier we break or cliff we surmount only shows another hurdle, another step,

The hill we climb is overwhelming and we don't have time for a misstep.

For at the top of the insurmountable hill, is an image of peace,

A place where people are respected and innovation doesn't cease,

A place in which who you love, and how you love are allowed,

A place where there isn't pretty privelage and people for once feel proud

of themselves, and they encourage those around,

At the top of the hill is a place so profound

that you fall to your knees overcome with the honestly and love of the view

For there, no one calls you useless, fat, worthless, invalid, or calls your identity untrue.

We as the people burdered with summitting that hill,

Rise from all levels and privelage in life, and yet somehow we still

Someway, sometime, must unite, join together and share the weight,

of the problems, so that we can carry eachother to that beautiful place.

We are so far away from the top of that hill,

From the place that we stand it seems insurmountable,

For there are people too selfish and hatefull to understand the beauty of the peak,

The people that call us stupid for tying to hike when they are the ones that are week.

We are not week, we find ways to live, to love, to feel happy despite all their hate,

There are people to ignorant to fully appreciate,

How far we have come, but mostly how far we have yet to go,

Until we reach the place where everyone feels at home.

A place where the rivers run clear and the air tastes clean and pure,

A place where people are not greedy and share instead of ask for more,

A place where acceptance blooms and different is more than okay

A place we want to reach but we have yet to find the way.

A place where clothing has no gender, and gender has no meaning,

A place where wealth isn't flaunted and where people aren't demeaning,

A place where sexual assault and rape are not blamed on the vicitm,

A place where women don't need to feel afraid to simply contradict him,

A place where you wear what empowers you, and your sexisness isn't a yes,

A place where horrible things aren't forgotten because of the excuse of drunkeness.

A place where black children don't have to be scared of the police,

A place where the justice system doesn't depend on racism, a place where people can get released,

A place where half of the queer youth don't consider suicide each year,

A place where black, trans lives mater and the don't have to live in fear,

A place where love is celebrated and acceptance shines,

A place we will arrive after this hill has been climbed. 

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