Chapter Fifteen - Sundaes

Start from the beginning

"You fucking bitch!" Francis yells, holding her up straight while she sits in the bathtub. She throws up into the drain, trying to catch her breath as the world becomes more clear to her. "Think suicide would get you out of here? Well, you're wrong. Just when I thought you weren't going to leave me, you pull a stunt like this." he spits, "Pathetic."

"I didn't try to kill myself." she lies, breathing heavily, "I was just taking my daily recommendation of the pills... I just took too much by mistake..." Francis scoffs softly, pulling her out of the tub and into his embrace.

"You're a fucking idiot." he snaps, stroking a hand through her hair, "I knew you wouldn't be able to do this on your own. I might as well just watch over you all the time."

"I'm sorry." she apologizes, "I wasn't really focusing, it's a lot to take in. I have this ability and I'm not sure I even understand it. All you told me was that I can't get hurt, but I do, it's just that I stop feeling it after a while." he growls softly.

"I understand, maybe I should start training you like the others, help you master your ability, so you know how long it would take to heal, so you would know your weak spots." Francis sighs, "But I don't think you would like to do training, you're more of a housewife, if you know what I mean."

"I do," (y/n) mutters through her teeth, feeling offended by his statement, "but I really do want to train, I think it would be an interesting experience, and it would keep me busy when you're out training the others, so I won't have to stay hidden in here and have nothing to do..."

"Alright, but don't be a pussy when you get hurt." he pushes her off of him, standing up as she sits up from her laying position. She helps herself up, fixing her gown. He then leaves the room with her following close behind. She couldn't believe he had saved her from death. She felt embarrassed for failing at her attempt, but she also felt a bit special, in a way, only because he helped get the pills out of her system, and because he held her with care, as if he were afraid she would have died.

Shut the fuck up, mind, you're tricking her and she doesn't need that right now.

I think we'll just be stuck here forever...

we seriously need to get out of here . . .


(y/n) watches the Disney movie, Cinderella, playing on the TV, her head in a hand whilst pouting and frowning, her mask laying on the arm of the sofa, since she had gotten bored of always wearing her mask, she needs a break every once in a while.

So, the prince just casually forgot what the love of his life's face looks like?

Forget that, no one else's feet were the same size as Cinderella's apparently.

"This movie makes no sense." she murmurs to herself.

"Hello, (y/n)." Al greets as she walks into the room. It was just the two of them in the apartment, Wade had taken Zoey out to get some ice cream and toppings for the sundaes he wanted to make. Zoey's mother had told her to go with, only because she wanted them to hang out a bit more and so that she could help pick out toppings instead of having their friend call over and over again to make sure what he should get.

"Hey," Babe greets, giving her a glance as she makes her way towards the sofa, sitting next to her, "how was your nap?"

"It was nice, I did wake up to Zoey's giggles, but it was nice to wake up that way." she hums.

"Oh, um, sorry."

"It's alright, my dear." the merc smile at what she had called her; she remembers how her mother used to call her that, it was heartwarming to her. "(y/n), I need to talk to you," she speaks in a soft voice, "about you and Wade. Are you two together?" she starts blushing at the question, glad that Al wouldn't be able to see her flushed cheeks.

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