Chapter Two - The lovely fight

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(y/n) and Deadpool both hop out of the cab he had called, sang in, played with the window and etcetera. She checks the address before walking up to the door, facing the male who stands next to her, "Um, so how do you usually do this? Do you kick down the door or what?"

... Awkward.

"Yeah, I do that." he nods, pulling his katanas out, "Can I?"

"Knock yourself out, chief." she nods, hopping backwards while pulling out her own katanas, the handles being black and (f/c) fake leather. With all his force, the male kicks the doors open, giving whoever is behind them, a fright. The female giggles like a maniac at how shocked the men and women look, "Hiya!" she calls out. They all ignore their panic and pull out guns and other weapons.

i'm scared .

(y/n) kicks the doors shut, both her and Deadpool locking gazes, giving each other a single nod. She then rushes to them all, swinging her katanas viciously at the people. Blood splatters over herself and her 'sidekick', both of them letting loose. She slides over the floor with ease, slicing heads off, along with limbs.

"Not bad!" (y/n) tells the red suited male, jumping to his side the moment someone tries to stab him, killing them immediately.

"Thanks, Babe." he giggles softly to himself, "I called you 'babe'." she giggle sas well, looking around at all the laying corpses.

"Damn, that was fast though." she kicks the side of a woman's body, looking down at the pools of blood underneath the both of them.

"Yeah... Wanna get a chimichanga?"  Deadpool offers, placing his katanas back in their holsters, as she does the same.

"Um, sure." she shrugs. In the corner of her eye, she could see a hand lifting up with a gun aimed at her 'sidekick'. She turns to it to see if it's just her imagination, but it's too late. The bullet gets fired, piercing into the side of his head, "No!" she cries out, the voices in her head kind of confused as to why she did so. He falls over in shock and agony, staying in his position on the ground.

(y/n) pulls her silent gun out of her holster and shoots the guy in the head as well, sitting on top of Deadpool to tend his wound and, maybe, see if he's alive. She reaches for his mask, but stops when he slaps her hand away, shocked.

"Nuh-uh!" he snaps. She blinks a few times and reaches again, but gets slapped once more, "I said 'no'!" she turns his head to the side, looking at the spot. It looks like it's already healing, sewing together almost.

"What the-?!" she grips onto both his cheeks, forcing him to look at her, "You have a healing factor, don't you?" she asks.

"How d'you know?" he asks, a bit shocked that she knows what having such a thing is.

"I have it too..." she whispers, "Anyway, chimichangas?" she sits up, sitting right on his belt buckle.

"Yeah!" she grins through her mask and hops off of him, so he helps himself up.

"But first," (y/n) faces the male, "let's take a picture for Weaz."

"Yeah, yeah! He'd be so okay with that!" she giggles at him while pulling her phone out, taking a selfie of the both of them and the corpses, sending it to him with the caption 'they always photo bomb us, it's annoying' underneath, "So, let's go, Babe." he offers an arm for her to take, like in a few romantic comedies. She pokes it, then walks out of the house, hearing a loud gasp from the male, "How offensive!" he calls out dramatically. She giggles at this.

"Okay, after food, we-... wait." she walks over to a body and slices their thumb off, "Okay, now we have more proof." the female grins underneath her mask while looking at the male, "So, after food, we get the money from Weasel, cool?"

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