Chapter One - Intro

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A twenty year old woman, (h/c) hair and [bright/dark] (e/c) eyes, comes rushing into a bar, a baby girl in her arms. She runs straight to the counter, breathless, "Why hello there." Weasel greets her, "Job?" she only nods and turns her head while pulling her mask over her lips, so it would be easier to breathe, "Why in such a rush?"

The woman sighs and shrugs, then fixes her mask, letting her baby girl play with her gloved finger.

Wonder who we gonna kill tonight.

It's not killing! It's just helping people find their fate.

"Cause that sounds better." the girl mumbles to the voices in her head. Weasel doesn't ask, knowing she's kind of insane... Her father cared for her; but he had such an intense job that he couldn't show that all the time, and when he found out she had voices in her head, he immediately took her to some specialist. The person said she was fine and they went on with their lives.

Not long after, she started showing signs that she was a complete sociopath, so he had to get rid of her... She broke out of the asylum and got kidnapped almost immediately. There, she was experimented on, made her who she is today...

"Alright," Weasel slides a card over to the woman, "you've got a 'customer'." she smiles from under her mask and takes the card.

"Thanks." she says softly to the man, "You mind looking after Zoey?" she tilts her head slightly, her hair falling to the side. Weasel shakes his head and takes the baby into his arms.

Sometimes we forget he thinks we're psycho.

Technically we are.

You don't gotta use that word, dude. Just say 'so what if we are', man, that word's a weird word.

I will talk the way I want and I'm not a man!


The girl giggles to herself, still smiling at her baby and Weasel, "I'll see you later, (y/n)."

"Yeah, see ya." she responds before dashing out of the bar, clenching the card in her hand.

Time skip ~ five years later

Second Person Point of view

You spin on the ball of your feet, slicing the head off of some rando you were told to kill with one of your katanas. You giggle as blood splatters onto you and your outfit, more blood seeping out of his body.

A smirk forms under your mask and you brush a strand of hair out of your view. You have a mask that allows your hair to be out, so, the mask covers your face, ears and around the hairline. Your hair is in two braids with a fringe hanging in front of your face.

You kick his shoulder for no good reason and leave the room, pausing by a mirror. Black mask with white 'eyes' and (f/c) diamonds around them, black long-sleeved turtleneck, black belt with silver spikes, loose (f/c) short skirt with a short shorts attached underneath, fishnets and black ankle boots.

"Man," you chuckle, "I look good." you think aloud and strike a pose before pulling out the gun in your holster, shooting the guy behind you, "Cheap shot!" you call out and run up to the window, smashing through it. You ball up as you start falling from the skyscraper and end up crashing into a car windshield.

Screams are heard around you. You groan and lift yourself up slightly, locking eyes with the trembling driver.

"Sup." you give him a single nod. He shouts in fear and jumps out of the car, sprinting away from the vehicle, "Nice to meet you too!" you shout back and climb off. You wobble and immediately grab ahold of the bus stop sign.

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