Airport adventures

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POV: Puffy
  I awoke at 6:00 AM to catch my flight. I'm still trying to figure out why I booked it so damn early. I drove to the airport in a peaceful silence, with the only sound being the soft chirp of the morning birds. I love moments like this, because it just me, myself, and I. Dont get me wrong, I like people, but everybody needs a little me time. I stopped to get coffee, because if you can wake up at 6 in the morning without coffee as an adult, I don't believe you're human.(No offense).

Time skip brought to you by caffeine addiction

I arrived at the airport within a reasonable time. Getting my suitcase out of my car, I began to walk into the airport. I went through all the airport stuff (is it obvious I don't know what I'm talking about?) Arriving at my terminal, I plopped down in an empty seat. Checking the time told me that my flight was boarding in 15 minutes. I sent Minx a text telling her I was going to be boarding my flight in 15 minutes. I decided I wanted to get her something, to lower her stress. So, I went to the little store and bought her a stuffed bear. Don't judge me, you're never to old for stuffed animals. I walked back to my seat only to find in occupied. Great. Eh, there's only 5 more minutes, I can stand for that long. Those 5 minutes went by, and an announcement flooded my ears. We are now boarding, please come to the entrance and wait to be let in. People with children and those going for a business trip will be boarding first. Have a nice flight. Well, time to go to the the entrance. I began walking with the mob of people. Since I have no children, and I'm not going on a business trip, I won't be anywhere near the first one in. After ten agonizing minutes, I was finally let aboard. I found my seat, I got a window seat, my favorite. Sitting down o realized I may have hit the jackpot. No baby's, and two sweet old ladies were sitting next to me. Hell yeah, this is gonna be awesome.

Another time skip brought to you by laziness

The plane landed down on the ground, and I exited the plane. Getting out my phone, I went to Minx's contact and hit call.

Minx= italic text
Puffy= bold text

"Hi Minx, just wanted to let you know I just landed." "Okay Puffy, I'll be there soon to pick you up."

I hung up and got my suitcase. Looking around my eyes landed on an individual that looked absolutely gorgeous. She turned around and I realized it was Minx. Holy crap, she was hot.

A/N: hey guys, how are you doing this fine Valentine's day afternoon? Just wanted to say sorry for not updating in a while, and sorry this sucks so much, I'm watching Shrek with my family later tonight so-
Well thats it ig, see yall soon, take care and don't die.

We Have Each other     A Justaminx x Captain Puffy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now