Chapter ten

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For a small while we stand, watching the television crew scuttle around, making adjustments to the cameras, setting up lighting and occasionally even coming over to us and sorting out our hair, or adding a bit of concealer to cover up a blemish.
"Now there- you're camera ready!" Sings a capitol lady with dark blue hair and gold gems on her face. "And.... it's time to meet your families!" She motions for Drayton and I to follow her into the train, where we are led to our own snug compartments.
I stroke the red velvet of the couch. It feels so expensive and luxurious, so extra.
A smiling man with strange goat-like eyes pops his head around the door. "Your loved ones will arrive soon, my dear."
Hmm. I attempt a grateful smile. "Thank you."
The man seems quite happy with my response, and closes the door and disappears down the corridor.
Outside, my dad, Valerie and my Aunt Margaret make their way to the train, looking around in awe at the strange, colourful people of the capitol.
What would I say to them? Catch y' later? I'm sure they'd love that.
A few other people who I don't recognise must be Drayton's family. But then, I notice the same boy from the reaping, the one that had yelled and caused quite a ruckus. He is holding the arm of the older woman, keeping each other up and comforting themselves in their grief. I don't think I've seen any of their faces before the reaping, so they must live in one of the other towns, or maybe in an isolated farm. District ten is rather big.
I remember the belt around my waist,and I feel a bit better. There might be some hope of me, and maybe even some other tributes, getting out of the games alive. I would have to watch the coverage of the reapings on tv, and suss out who I could maybe trust.
Not the careers, obviously. It's always the ones that aren't happy about things that want revolution, and as far as I knew, the careers were pretty dedicated to the capitol. You'd have to be, wouldn't you? To volunteer to go into an arena and willing kill other people.
I couldn't ever imagine wanting to do that.
They must be brainwashed pretty bad.
Footsteps come from the end of the corridor. I sit up straight.
A peacekeeper opens the door. My dad shuffles in, his head bowed..
The door closes after him.
Dad gives me a massive hug. "The pills last three weeks. They take around fifteen minutes to kick in. You can trust 11, and 3. Daya knows."
He pulls away. "I'll miss you, Clementine. The best place to punch is the jaw. Instant knockout."
I nod. "Look after Valerie for me."
Dad smiles sadly. "I will."
I reach out for another hug. "As soon as you get word of me, good or bad, leave."
He pats my head.
There is heavy footsteps approaching the door, then a peacekeeper appears.
"Time's up. Here's your friend."
I hug dad one last time. "I love you dad. See you on the other side."
"See you on the other side."

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