Chapter five

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After the sun sets, I start to lose feeling in my legs.
But I wait.
Then, slowly, the valley gets illuminated by the slow turn on of the gas street lamps, each street lighting up one by one.
The capitol may have taken away almost everything, but at least we still had light.
I heard stories from the market that some districts don't even have that. After taking away their children, the capitol won't even give the damn people light.
Sighing, I turn my head to the sky, and watch the glimmering stars. I can see the moon, too. The moon that's seen everything. The craters make it seem like it has a face.
I squint and stare more. The moon moves his mouth, but I can't hear what he's saying.
I wish I could.
I clear my throat; "hey there, moon? I just wanted to ask, is my mother up there? And august too?" The moon seems to wink at me.
Out the corner of my eye, I see a shooting star.I remember the old lady next door saying to wish on a shooting star, and it'll come true.
I have nothing to lose, so I whisper "I wish we could be free. Everyone."
The stars seem to twinkle extra bright.
I sigh, then decide that D'Everlange has probably left by now, and that I better let dad know I haven't fallen down a ditch and died or something.
The door squeaks as I slowly open it, trying not to make too much noise in case dad was asleep.
I hear a clatter coming from the living room.
"Clementine! Clementine! I've done something! Really good!" Cries dad excitedly.
I speed into the living room.
"Look!" He sings, holding out his hands. I look. Three purple pills sit in his hand.
I blink. "What do they do?"
Dad has obviously been dying for me to ask this, and he springs up and down as he talks; "well, I've been working on this for ages but I didn't want to get your hopes up, but they're hibernation pills! So instead of the poor cows dying in the winter from cold and whatnot, these pills will slow down their bodies and heartbeats to become almost undetectable for a week! So they won't die!"
I gasp. It might not seem like much, but this could be used for something special. "Could it be used on humans?"
He pauses. " cows have larger bodies and more stomachs, so this pill would probably put a human into hibernation for about three or four weeks. But yes, I don't see why not."
I smile. "We could save so many homeless and ill people! Feed them, then they could wake up when it's no longer cold!"
Dad thinks. "Well, you'd have to keep a hibernating person somewhere warm, as the cold would still freeze them to death, but as long as they've had a good feed beforehand and are somewhere warm they'd survive."
I smile, and give dad a hug. "Well done, Dad. I'm so proud of you."
Dad smiles and kisses my forehead. "I'm proud of you, too,Well done for keeping going. Off you pop to bed now, it's like one in the morning."
I give him one last hug and scoot off to bed.
It had been a strange day.

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