Part 10

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The bright blue eyes stared at the hazel ones, the burnet grinned at the sight. It's been two years since he saw him.

"Sapnap?" He said in a more questioning voice, Nick went ahead and wrapped his arms around the young boy. The blonde was confused, this is not how I would react to someone not being dead.

"Hey." He said awkwardly, "I thought you were in Florida?" The older frowned.

"Me and dream got into a fight." The younger nodded, the short burnet turned his attention to Deo.

"Who are you? You look familiar."

"TimeDeo, also Tommy you need to ask about that one guy." The blonde nodded.

"What's Big Q's phone number, I need to tell him I'm not dead." Sapnap rose his eyebrows.

"Quackity thinks your dead?!" He realized the seriousness on the blondes face, he quickly gave his phone to him.

Tommy was about to click on the contact, but then his phone started ringing. He groaned, picking it up.

"Hello Tommy." Fuck. The voice was to familiar for his liking. "Look kid, I'm going to Florida where your friends live and if your not there I'm going to fuckin kill one of them." There was a beep after that signaling he ended the call. Sapnap caught on with the alarm look in his eyes, making him raise a eyebrow.

"Tommy, what's wrong?" The boy panicky grabbed his stuff, "Tommy what's going on?"

"We need to go to Florida right now, Deo he is going to there house-" His roommate tilted his head, then it clicked. Shit.

"Yup, we need to go. We'll explain on the way there." They hurriedly rushed to the porsh.

As they were driving, Justin looked at the blonde. He sighed, "Tommy you need to go to sleep, the way you did two years ago." His blue eyes had fear in them, he nodded.

"Wait, you have to tell me what's going on. Because to be honest I don't want to see Clay at all right now!!"

"I'll explain what's going, Tommy needs to go to bed, and try to visit a old friend." The driver looked at us with a bizarre look, but nodded.

He woke up, near a beach. Immediately recognizing it as the one he met up with Wilbur in Brighton for the second time. He stood there staring at the icy blue ocean, as the breeze passed through his hair, His hands were in his pockets, he chuckled.

He heard laughter behind him, making him immediately turn around. He looked at what seemed like a hologram of his memories. His old blonde hair bounced up and down as he walked with the taller burnet.

"Awwww tommmmy, how many times do I have to tell you this, don't be embarrassed to call me Wilby. Plus I think it's funny how the stans freak out over it." He ruffled his fluffy hair, and pulled him in for a hug, no matter how much he denied. He was a clingy son of a bitch, burnet Tommy let out a dry laugh. He forgot that this even happened, 'How could I forget the time I finally started to allow my self to call- wait what's his name? Right Wilbur. To call Wilbur, Wilby.' He thought as the memory slowly disappeared as his younger self and his ex brother hugged.

"Let's make Wilbur proud." He swiftly turned around to see him at a desk, when did this happened? Him and the familiar voice? Is it familiar? started yelling the infamous quote, 'suck it green boy.' Again the memory disintegrated.

"Dream you know sapnap?" He heard his voice again, but he didn't see anything, "yes." He heard the other voice asked, "well he's a dick." The older started laughing, the eighteen year old scrunched his eye brows in confusion. 'When did this happen?' He thought. "Wilbur, were like brothers." "Stop your going to make me cry." The same questioned popped up in his head, 'what's going on? This never even- why? What's going on?' The voices of people that he once knew, repeated different scenes played out. He saw nothing it was just echoey voices in his head, as he slowly fell to knees let the sand stick to his legs, he covered his ears. The voices were growing more unfamiliar as they spoke, yet they were becoming louder.

'I came here to find someone. Who? No no i was supposed to warn a friend. How am I going to talk to someone through my dreams? No no no it's possible. I know it. It happened, right? I think it happened? Wait, did it actually happened? Or was that just figment of my imagination? Why are these voices so loud? What's going on? Who are these people?no no I know these people. Do I? Yes I do. Right? There names- they're names are- one of them starts with a T right? Or am I just thinking of my name? Who was I supposed to find again?' His thoughts were coming from all directions, confused of the situation.

"He's forgetting." He heard a voice say stopping all the other random voices, it was filled with hope. "We can't let him find his mind link. Where is Alex? Currently." They whispered, he could still hear them though. Alex? The name sounded unfamiliar yet familiar.

"He's awake. He has no clue what's coming. None of them do. Most importantly we can't let the young boy know why this specific beach is his safe space in his mind."

The tall burnet felt like he was losing in his mind, he tried to think of some things from his past, it was just a blank slate. 'Why can't I think of anything?'

He jolted awake, looking frantically around. That face looks sort of familar. He thought as he looked in the back of the car at the one with glasses.

"Eyy Tommy, your finally awake." The burnet who was driving grinned as he looked at him, the boy felt like he knew him. But again it was just empty.

"W-who the fuck are you guys?!"


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