Part 4

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Wilbur sighed as he drove to airport, his phone was dinging constantly. It felt wrong, there was something weighing on his heart. He felt like there was something wrong.

He pulled up to a gas station, specifically a seven eleven. He felt his droopy eyelids begging to shut as he slowly got out of the car.

As he put the gas hose into the car, he went on Twitter and checked his tagged.

Innitmeperdonas: @wilbursoot where's has your younger brother been? @tommyinnit

Quackinnit: @wilbursoot is Tommy ok?

Wilbbbuur: guys @wilbursoot won't answer.

Karlsalex: @wilbursoot it's fucking trending.

Wil rose his eyebrows and quickly went to the trending page.

#1 in trending
Where is Tommy?
Fans tag Wilbur soot, streamer/ youtuber in wondering why is little brother hasn't uploaded in over a week. Is Tommy okay?

Wilbur sighed, fuck. He dialed Tommy's number, hoping he'll answer. It went straight voicemail, so his phone is either dead or he just declined wils call.

"Hey Tommy, please answer me? Is everything okay? Twitter is freaking out. Just call me back when you can." He chuckled lightly, never thought I'd be missing a obnoxious sixteen year old.

It was really humid, the slight chill washed over the group of friends. They all sounded happy, some were in the water, and others were sitting on towels talking about the latest that has been happening in the community. Yet all there faces were blurred.

"HELLO GUYS!!" He heard a voice yell, he quickly turned around to see a familiar twenty year old, his face was clear as day, he had a grayish black lafd beanie on, he had a beaming smile as he greeted the group.

Walking right pass the blonde, the younger rose a eyebrow. "Alex?" He spoke, "ALEX?!" He screamed, not thinking he would get a answer but was surprised when he stopped and turned on his heel to look at him.

"T-Tommy?" He questioned, it didn't take much time for the blue eyed boy to see the blurry faces disintegrating right behind the older. Making his eyes widening, Quackity caught on and turned around confused.

The one in multicolored sweatshirt made up of so many different colors, was dissolving slowly. He was trying to get to Alex.

"KARLLLL!!!!!" He let out a raw scream, falling to his knees. He had a distraught look on his face, he put his hands in his hair. He put his hands in his hair. His beanie was off. It almost felt illegal to Tommy, to see his black shiny straight hair.

"Tommy, what hell is happening? Why are- you said you can't come? Why are they disappearing? W-What's going on? Tommy these are our friends? Why are you just standing there?!" He exclaimed loading his friend with questions.

"You can see- wait did you say our friends?! Big Q I can't see any of there faces except yours." The world was melting away at there finger tips, it was slowly becoming black again.

"What the hell?" Alex breathed out, the child was surprised why is he acting like this? He should be telling him how much of a shitty person he is not- not acting like fourteen year old Tommy when this first happened.

"Who are you guys?" A high youthful voice said, the blonde squeezed his eyes really hard shut knowing exactly who it is.

"Who am I? Who are you?" The lafd beanie wearing guy replied. Alex noticed how he looked familiar, he had light cool brown hair and his tips were frosted. Terrible decision on his part. Tommy thought.

"Alex meet twelve year old me. Four months before I started streaming." Thomas, said pointing at the kid, Quackity rose his eyebrows in shock.

"That's impossible Tommy." He looked up at the seriousness in his best friends face, realization setting in. "why were you burnet?" He questioned.

"I'm a natural burnet." The blonde said nonchalantly, "I've dyed it." He heard the other snort.

"Why?" Tommy opened his mouth to answer but cut off a voice that made him freeze.

"Because of me, I know you were about to lie Tommy." The red head came into view, "I mean that is all you do." He smirked.

"What is he talking about Toms?" The smirk only got bigger, the blondes face winced at the words.

"Toms?!" Allan let out a chuckle, "see this is what I'm talking about, Alex that's your name right? Tommy hates being called Toms, it reminds him of the accident."  The shorter ones face was growing in concern, he didn't care about the web of lies.

"Anyways, Quackity how much do you care about Tommy?" He asked.

"A-a lot, like I would probably jump off a bridge with him. But that's just how are friend group dynamic works." His foster dad nodded, then pulled out the gun.

"This is your fault Tommy!!!" The bullet flew to quick for the blonde to pick up what's going on, until he felt a harsh pluck at his heart. He saw Quackity race towards him, everything once again was in slowmo as he fell, even the loud booming wail of his friend, yet the sound made his ears feel like they were going to breathe.

"ITS NOT HIS FAULT!!" Alex yelled, jumping up from the weird nightmare. Trying vto grasp for a breathe of air, he looked up taking in his Surroundings. What the hell just happened?

A million questions came into his head, it felt so real. He remembers that random Cheeto fucker that he has never seen before, Tommy's younger self, and well- the big man himself. It was just a dream? He tried to reassure himself.

Tommy gasped as he woke up, he was very disgustingly sweaty. That has never happened before? He thought. He got up to go look at himself in the mirror, his brown roots slowly growing in. A big gnash on the side of his head, and his dark circles. I've never talked to anyone in my dreams.

He turned on the fossett and slashed some cold water, trying to wake himself up, hoping the weird dream would just vanish from his thoughts. No one has ever been concerned in my nightmares, why did Alex look so distraught when I got shot? He remembered the other night and Wilburs stupid smirk as he got shot, and compared it to Big Q's pained scream.

He shook it off though after he wrote in his dream journal. It was just another dream.

Feel like they came from someone else.

So how is this fic so far?

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