Part 2

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Tw; mentions of drowning, alcoholism.

Wilburs hair fell to his forehead as he looked down, adjusting his mic. He was currently getting ready to stream with his friends, he was excited for but at the same time he wasn't.

He always pulled up Tommy's stream, whenever he was streaming or even if he wasn't streaming. It felt weird to break the tradition since his little brother hasn't been heard from in a week, everyone is telling him he shouldn't worry and that he's probably just busy.

But something about it seemed so scuffed, but like everyone else he has to shake it off as some point, he hated not talking to the blonde, it's funny how much of impact the kid made on his life in just a year. He didn't even know he was capable of caring so much for some sixteen year old who plays Minecraft. He chuckled at the thought.

Who said that?"

A/N: correct me if I'm wrong please.

The first words he ever said to him, he always was grateful it was on stream so he could he see the his and the Youngers first interaction, how much the two have grown together and individually.

He decided to join the vc his friends were in, they always did this. Had a pre-stream call session, it was enjoying to see there off screen personas.

"So I have a idea." The green screen spoke, Wil rose his eyebrow even though they couldn't see him.

"What is it dream?" He heard the bee lover say.

"What if I payed for all your flights to come to Florida?" There was a moment of silence then Alex started to cheer making everyone join in.

"Wait, what about Tommy?" Wilbur asked.

"Call him." Clay said like it was a stupid question, maybe it was? The musician thought.

The dinging went longer then it should almost making Wil give up but then he heard a yawn.

"Hello?" His voice sounded groggy, and raspy.

"Holy shit, tommy?!" The burnet said trying to keep his cool.

"Oh hey Wilbur, sorry for not being active, between college exams and editing it all got really hectic. Sorry if I worried you." The blonde lied through his teeth, but he heard a sigh of relief come from the other end.

"Oh no it's ok toms." Toms. Every time Wilbur said it, his heart stung, he felt like he was drowning all over again. The image of his parents bodies, as they floated down screaming his name. He couldn't save them. He always thought when Wilbur calls him that, he never tells him it bothers him though, how that name is reserved for his biological dead family and them only.

"Anyways, Dream wanted to know if you can meet up in Florida, he's paying." Fuck. He should be absolutely exhilarated by this but he couldn't bring himself to be.

"Y-yea I'll ask my dad!" He said putting some enthusiasm in there so Wilbur doesn't pick it up.

The tall boy got up and went over to his "father", the man was sprawled across the couch, with empty beer bottles, half empty, some were even broken but none were full, all the glass bottles surrounded the guy, his orange hair reminded Tommy of Cheetos but the man always had glass or alcohol in it, today it was both.

Tommy slowly shook his foot trying to grasp the mans attention for once without looking like a bullseye in his fluorescent green eyes.

"What do you want, brat?" He spat out, but he was still half asleep.

"C-can I go to Florid-da to meet up with m-my friends, Clay said he'll p-pay for everything." The carrot top gave him a dirty look, and threw a bottle at purposely missing.

"No, the house isn't going to pay, or clean itself. So go back to your fucking room and makes some money." Tommy nodded vigorously, scared of his reaction if he protested.

The boy practiced what he was going to say to Wilbur in his black and white mirror. When he was done he pulled out his phone and tapped his contact.

"Hey Toms, are you aloud to go?" Tommy cleared his throat ready to speak.

"I'm sorry Wilbur, but it's turns out my family already had plans. Maybe next time." Knowing that there's not going to be a next time.

"Tommy, why do you sound relieved? Did you not want to go?"

"No no, I do want to go. But I have another exam week and I didn't want to do make up exams." Another thing that the blued eyed boy got used to quickly was lying, he was a master at it.

"Oh well good luck on your exams!! Love you, bye." He heard the beep, and sighed. He doesn't actually love you? He thought, no one does.

When did I lose myself?

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