A cowboy?

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It the same three knocks we heard before. We both look at each other knowing exactly what's about to happen when we open the door downstairs.

Lith looks happy and jumps up. "Adventure here we come."

Ugh. "Im tired can I sleep first?"

Lith frowns and growls, "NO!"

Lith is excited. "come on sleepy head the door isn't going to wait forever."

"Fine I'm coming I'm coming."

Lith's moving at full speed and down two stairs at time I'm slowly trucking behind him in my grey sweatpants. "Be careful sweatheart."

The Door has a horseshoe door knocker and looks like it's made out of raw lumber. The door handle is one that is supposed to be grabbed and pulled instead of turned.

It's starting to turn into a tradition at this point. "On three we both pull okay lith?"

He eagerly nods




We pull (whoosh). A bright yellow light fills my eyes everything is blury, the ground is made out of sand or dirt I think, the air is very dry. My eyes start to adjust and everything cling becomes clear...... The Wild West.

I look at lith, his eyes closed, a smile on his face and he is soaking up the sunlight. Another thing catches my eye, lith is wearing khaki booty shorts, a short shirt, and a cowboy hat. This is not the time or place for sex so think I will sit here until the big guy in my pants settles down.

After my erection dissipates, I stand up go over to my happy cat. "Well babyboy, what exactly does a person in the wild west do?"

He turns around with a smile on his face and cowboy hat in his head. "Bounty hunting." He points to the six shooter on my side.

Lith shows me his badge and points to mine. "We're partners."

Lith is more excited than a schoolgirl. "Ahh this is so much more cooler than I imagined!"

"I dont know anything about this so your going to have to help me lith."

He is happy to accommodate. "See that town over the horizon?" I shake my head yes.

"We need to ride into town and collect a bounty from the sheriff's office."

We get on our horses and ride over there. On the way I ask, "so why are you such a wild west geek?"

He blushes a little. "When I lived with my parents, I found a box of old movies and that's when the addiction started."

He's such a dork and I love it. "So you were addicted to... wild west movies?"

His cheeks start blazing pink and he moves his head down so his cowboy hat will hide it.

I attempt to make him feel better. "I love you."

He regains his confidence. "I love you to."

5 minutes later and we're in town. It's been a long time since i've  seen people. The people here are really friendly, everybody waves at us as we're riding through town.

We make it to the sheriff's office and he's sitting in his chair. We get off our horses and I follow lith inside.

He's a big mean looking fellow. "What business a bunch of ol' bounty hunters got in a town like this?"

Me and lith both giggle at his accent. "Whats yu'r problem huh"

I take the lead. "Sorry sir, we're  not here to serve a bounty, we're actually here to collect one."

The big man packs a wad of tabcco in his bottom lip and pulls a paper out of his desk, "shit well dead or alive here you go." He stamps it.

Lith says, "thank you mister."

We walk outside I ask lith, "what do we do first?"

Lith thinks for a moment, "we ask around. The bar would be a great place to start."

I like that idea. "maybe we could have a few drinks while we're there?"

Lith agrees, "Yea we might as while enjoy this opportunity."

I follow lith inside I whisper, "everybody is staring at us."

Lith turns to me reaching down brushing my manhood causing me to blush, (no doubt on purpose), and grabs my badge. "This is why their staring."

I've never seen lith so aware and confident, it's really sexy. Well I have to admit part of that sexyness is that his ass is a little big for them booty shorts I don't mind though.

We walk up to the bartender and lith shows him the bounty. "Oh yu'r, that's ol' ricky, He's crazier than a run over coon. He lives down by the lake. Bastard owes me two penny's."

Lith gets us two shots of whiskey. "Thanks, cheers babe."

My fucking mouth feels like the devil just pissed in it. "Holy shit, you trying to kill me lith?"

Lith gulps his down like it's water with no problem. "Now I know watching old west movies didn't teach you how to do that."

Lith smiles. "What can I say i'm a man of secrets."

I laugh. I don't how he does it but he gets even more sexier everyday.

A man comes up and gropes lith. "Can a real man buy you a drink sweatheart."

The whole world stops except for me. No one touches lith but me I unsheth my knife, and slam it on his hand. Pinning him to the bar. "Do you want to lose your fucking hand?"

In pain, his voice goes up a few octaves "fuck man! I'm sorry I'll leave you guys alone, Jesus christ."

I pull the knife out of his hand and kick his hill Billy ass out of the bar. I turn around and theirs lith's smiling up a storm I walk over to him. "You okay darling?"

He reaches down and grabs my cock through my pants, "oh I'm more than okay."

Causing my cheeks to burn vividly the only word I can utter is, "oh."

Lith laughs at my vulnerability. "Come on I know somewhere where we can go."

I nod and we get on our horses, lith takes me up some trail that leads to a high ridge that overlooks everything. We make it up to the top and we get off out horses.

Lith walks to the edge of the ridge. I'm not far behind. "Please be careful baby."

He sits down and I sit down next to him. Lith grabs my hand and looks over the valley. "it's beautiful isn't?"

I don't keep my eyes off him. "Yea he is."

Lith blushes. "What oh hehe you flatter me."

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