A normal life?

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"Hey lith can you help me up please?"

A almost dazed lith responds with, "huh oh yeah sorry I'm trying to understand what just happened."

I know what happened. "We wanted something badly enough and it came to be."

Lith still looks confused, "what do you mean?"

"I mean the last thing you said you wanted was someplace to lie down and listen to lofi to, I wanted to give you the chance to do this but I couldn't which pissed me off to no end and then out of nowhere a bed appears. Now we wanted a normal life but couldn't have it and then out of nowhere this door appears. This is about as normal as it gets. I believe we're in a suburban house judging by the way the door looked and car sounds outside.

Lith nods telling me he understands,
"Well honey we did it we got a normal life."

I think to myself well it can't be that easy right? or maybe it can.

A now eager Lith runs to the front door and opens it. "Lith wait on me!"

I rush over there and we both just stare. I knew it couldn't have been this good. There is no outside a least through the front door. The windows show neighbors houses and cars driving by but when you open the front door it just another void but this time there's no floor and its pitch black.

We both sigh but their is still an upside to this, we have a TV, food in the fridge, a bathroom, a bedroom everything a person could want for their house.

Lith is not as depressed as i thought he would be but he is still more happy than sad so I ask him, "is it bothering you that we can have a life just not a outside one?"

Lith looks at me and smiles. "I'm going to make the most out of what we have because complaining isn't going to fix anything."

"That's a very smart way of putting it lith. I'm proud of you, no matter the situation you always find the good in things and for that I'm proud to call you my boyfriend".

Lith's sadness seems to have completely faded. But he is very tired and so am I. I belive we will cuddle in our new bed, watch TV, and sleep shouldn't be a problem since we now have day and nights instead of just a bright white fucking light. After 8 hours of the best sleep i've ever had I turn over to lith who is sleeping like a baby and boop him on the nose.

His eyes open and he looks at me I say, "good morning beautiful."

He grins, schoches over next to me and tells me, "good morning and to stay here."

I ask why but he says it's a suprise. I tell him okay and he goes his merry way, about 3 minutes later I hear a loud yelp.

I jump up and run or stumble really into the kitchen ready to kill somebody. "what's wrong lith?"

"I just cut my pa... what are you doing in here? You were suppose to wait."

"I know and I'm sorry but I thought you were being attacked, is your hand okay?"

"Yes, It's okay. If I wasn't such a bad cook this wouldn't have happened. I just wanted to suprise you I'm sorry."

Oh god my poor lith. "Don't apologize honey it's okay, we can do the cooking together."

I walk over and... "Damn lith you look really good in those pajama pants."

"Huh oh hehe you think so. Since I had the chance to wear clothes I figured I might as well give it a try. I think I've come to enjoy wearing clothes"

Back to the task at hand. "So what were you making baby?"

"Eggs... and bacon but I haven't gotten it out yet."

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