Chapter 4

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After about an hour or so, everyone had gotten back to Elaine's house, including Zeldris.

"Harlequin, put all the food in the kitchen!" Elaine yells. Elizabeth mentally gasps as it clicks for her: the name Harlequin was so familiar to her because Elaine would talk about him from time to time!

What is he to her again? Oh, that's right. Older brother.

Arms wrap around her shoulders, and she immediately knows it's Zeldris. He rests his chin on the top of her head.

"Something wrong?" Her best friend asks her. "You're awfully quite and in a room with your best friends? Something's gotta be wrong."

"Nothing's wrong, Zel," Elizabeth softly insists. "Just thinking - nothing bad, of course."

Zeldris stays quiet for a moment, before the silence was broken by his brother.

"Are you guys really best friends? 'Cause it seems like you guys are dating instead of-"

"We're not dating," Zeldris cuts him off, his grip on Elizabeth tightening. She places a hand on one of his arms and softly pats it. She whispers an 'it's okay' before he sighs and release his hold completely.

Meliodas merely hums, then everyone walks into the room.

"What's with all the yelling?" Diane asks.

"Meliodas thinks me and Zeldris are dating," Elizabeth explains as she looks at the people who had entered the room.

"Well," King says, "it does seem like it. But I'm not judging!"

King's response only makes Elizabeth sigh.

After some minutes, Elaine comes out of the kitchen with pizza and snacks and sets it on the coffee table in the living room. Everyone grabs something except Elizabeth.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" Meliodas asks as he sits next to her. Elizabeth shakes her head.

"No, I ate before I came," she simply says. Her blue eyes lock with his grassy green, and she watches as he looks at her almost questionably, but he continues to examine her like she were a priceless diamond ring.

"Hm," the blonde hums. "Well, just make sure you eat again soon, okay?"

The silverette smiles at Meliodas, silently saying she will.

"Okay guys! How about a game?" Diane asks, looking at everyone.

"What game are we playing?" King asks.

"Hmm," the brunette hums, a finger tapping her chin. "How about truth or dare?"

"I'm totally game." Ban says, a bottle of... alcohol in his hand.

"Why does Ban have alcohol? Isn't he underage like the rest of us?" Elizabeth voices her concern, and Ban only laughs, no explanation given. Elizabeth looks at Elaine and Diane, and they shrug.

So, ultimately, the silverette decides to just let it go.

"Okay, who's going first?" Elaine asks, referring to the game of truth or dare they agreed to play.

"Ooh! Me!" Diane exclaims. Elaine smiles at the brunette.

"Uhh, King! Truth or dare?"

"Dare?" He answers, his tone unsure, but it's disregarded.

"I dare you to whisper sweet nothings to the person to your right!"

King looks to his right, and a look of pure disgust replaces his previous expression. Ban sits to his right, and everyone laughs at the idea of King actually doing the dare.

And he does it, making everyone laugh harder, including Ban.

"Okay..." King whispers, "Meliodas, truth or dare?"

"I'll go with truth!"

"Do you like anybody?"

Meliodas' gaze locks with Elizabeth's, a light blush creeping onto her cheeks. "Well, not really," he then smirks at her, the blush on her face getting worse.

"Ban! Truth or dare, friend?" The blonde says, taking his eyes off the silver haired girl.

"Dare, obviously?" Ban scoffs.

"I dare you to dance on the coffee table-"

"That's fucking easy!"


The room goes silent. That is, until Ban coughs.

"Sorry Cap'n, you said 'naked'?"

"Yup!! So, do the dare or I'll tell King you-"

"Okay okay! Fine! God."

Elizabeth yelps as Ban begins to remove his clothing, her hands coming up to shield her innocent eyes. Not before long, the room fills with laughter, but Elizabeth isn't going to take the chance of removing her hands from her face.

A hand pats her on the head, causing the girl to remove her hands, slowly and cautiously, and she sees Zeldris smiling at her.

"It's over," he informs her. Elizabeth smiles and rests her hands on her thighs.

"Alright," Ban sighs as he sits down again. "Princess~ truth or dare?" He points at Elizabeth. Her cheeks redden at the nickname Ban had given her.

"Princess?" She asks, curious as to why he would call her princess of all things.

"I dunno. It just fits ya~" He answers in a sing songy tone. "Now, truth or dare?"

"Um," Elizabeth hesitates. "Truth."

"Have you had your first kiss?"

Elizabeth reddens even further in embarrassment, her eyes averting his crimson gaze.

"N-No," she whispers.

Ban giggles mischievously. "Okay, your turn, princess~"

"I, uh, don't want to ask anyone anything."

"Fine by me~ Zeldris, my man!" Ban then says. "Truth or dare?~"

"God," Zeldris mumbles next to Elizabeth, "dare, I guess."

"I dare you to give Elizabeth her first kiss!"

Her worlds stops, then and there. Her head shoots up to look at Zeldris dead in the eyes, and he looks nothing but worried. Zeldris, her best friend, taking her first kiss? No, no, that isn't how she wants her first kiss to go down - and especially over a game of truth or dare?

Elizabeth hears Elaine scold Ban, but regardless, she can feel everyone's eyes on her. Zeldris mouths an 'I'm sorry' to her, but he makes no effort in moving forward.

"I'll do his dare for him," Zeldris's older brother says, causing the silver haired teenager to tear her gaze from her best friend to the blonde. He gives her a sincere and genuine look, and Elizabeth mentally sighs.

Is he serious about this??

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