Chapter 1

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Elizabeth wakes up, her vision blurry as she sits up in her bed. She yawns tiredly, thinking how badly she wants to go back to bed. But those thoughts fly out of the window as she glances at her clock, realizing school starts in less than an hour.

She practically jumps out of bed as she rushes into her bathroom. As quickly as she can, she brushes her hair, untangling any knots in her long silver hair. Then, she brushes her teeth, spitting the toothpaste into her bathroom sink. Elizabeth nearly trips rushing out of her bathroom, but regains her balance before she could actually fall.

Heavily breathing, she rummages through her closet for her school uniform, and puts it on in probably record time.

She slides her feet into a pair of flats, then grabs her school bag before leaving her room. When she goes down the stairs, she's met with the sight of her two older sisters, Margaret and Veronica, sitting at the kitchen island.

"Good morning, Ellie!" Veronica greets rather loud. Margaret scolds her for being so loud in the morning.

Elizabeth giggles, "Good morning, Veronica, Margaret."

The silverette doesn't even give them a chance to ask her how she slept or if she wanted breakfast as she rushes out of the house.

She takes a quick gander about, noting how her father's car isn't there. A sigh escapes her lips. Working early again, huh?

Elizabeth begins to walk to school, her eyes on her shoes the entire time. With the amount of times she's walked to and from school, she relies on her muscle memory at this point. It wasn't a long walk either; a mere five to ten minutes was all it took.

Suddenly, arms wrap around her waist, causing her to gasp loudly, and she's rewarded with a chuckle that sounds all too familiar to her. She turns her head a bit to the right, and she sees a sliver of pitch black hair. Elizabeth smiles as she realizes who it is.

"Zeldris!" She exclaims with a giggle. The boy releases her with yet another chuckle before she turns around and attacks him with a hug of her own.

"Well, hello to you too, El," Zeldris greets. She lets go of the embrace, smiling at him widely. His grassy green eyes look at her questionably. "What is it, El? Do I have something on my face?"

Elizabeth giggles as she takes his hand in hers, "No, of course not! I just haven't seen you in a while!" She hears Zeldris laugh behind her.

"Elizabeth, I was gone for a week. We texted each other everyday!"

"A week is such a long time for you to be gone. I was so lonely at school! Elaine couldn't hang out with me after school either," she tells him with a frown when she looks back at him. He chuckles once more, squeezing her hand as if to tell her she's worrying for nothing.

"I'll try not to be gone for so long again," he grins at her. She smiles in return before she whips her head back to the world in front of them.

As they continue to walk, they stay a bit quiet. For Elizabeth, it isn't so weird for her to be silent, but Zeldris? All he does is talk...

"Hey, Zel?" Elizabeth asks, breaking the silence. Zeldris hums, but he sounds lost in thought. "Are you alright? You haven't really said much. Is something bothering you?"

He stops walking, accidentally tugging Elizabeth backwards. He mutters a curse as she falls, but he catches her in his arms. She gasps as she feels his arms wrap around her waist once more, her cheeks heating up in embarrassment. He helps her stand before he mumbles a 'sorry' to her.

"Are you okay?" Zeldris asks her. She nods. He goes to walk past her as he takes hold of her hand like she did him earlier, but she doesn't move. The teenage boy furrows his brows as he looks at Elizabeth.

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