"But would we be any different if we were raised in the way they were?" 

The idea is strange, but completely valid. If I was raised in the Capitol, I doubt I'd be who I am today. Maybe I would look forward to the games each year. The idea makes me shudder and I realize, despite being controlled and unprivileged, I would never trade my life in District 4 with anything.               

A few minutes later, we're back at my front door, and before I raise my hand to knock, it swings open, revealing Piper, Friselle, and Goldie. 

"Oh, Nerissa, it's been too long dear!" Piper engulfs me in a hug and a big kiss, whilst Friselle inspects me and Goldie stands, too mesmerized by Fin to even breathe.   

Soon enough, I'm ushered inside. The three seem happy with my current state, my nails are neat, and my skin plump and moisturized. I've also shaved, which they're ecstatic about, exclaiming about how much time I've saved them. 

Mother stands in the doorway to the kitchen, raising her eyebrows at the three stylists. I thought that she would hate them, given their pushy and loud nature, but it seems like she was expecting it. 

"Oh, your mother has been lovely Nerissa! I see where you got your stunning looks from!" Gushes Piper, her huge orange hair bouncing everywhere. 

"Congratulations on making the most beautiful girl in the whole of Panem, Mrs. Alvaro!" Squeals Friselle, as Goldie still seems to be staring at Fin, not quite believing her yellow eyes.

I'm whisked upstairs, but not before Finnick mouths a "good luck" and gives me a thumbs up, grinning widely. 

Clearly, my struggles amuse him.

I was hoping me shaving myself would mean I could skip the tub full of that sticky, thick liquid, but it seems I still need to sit in it and be washed three times. My skin is scrubbed till it's raw, although the treatment is definitely not as traumatizing as it normally is, when I'm in the Capitol. When they're done cleaning me up, I sit, naked, as they begin applying product after product on my skin. 

When they're done, I look flawless, if I do say so myself, and the makeup is subtle and natural. It's nothing like the heavy eye shadow and lipstick they would apply to me in the Capitol.  

Suddenly, my bedroom door swings open, and I jump, looking for something to cover my bare body. 

However, I relax slightly when I see that the intruder is Sequoia, my stylist. I do love Sequoia, and she makes the most beautiful dresses. But, she can be a bit of a drama queen at times.

A bit is an understatement.

"Darling, it's been far too long! Oh my goodness, I didn't think it was possible but you've gotten so much more beautiful since the last time I saw you!" She speaks in a very, very strong Capitol accent.

I don't really know whether to take that as a compliment or an insult, but return her embrace and thank her anyway. If there's one thing I learnt from my experience with Capitol citizens, it's to never offend them.

"I can't wait to see what you've made for me!" I say, genuinely excited. The only thing I love about interviews and public appearances is that I get to be dressed-up and pampered. I love being adorned in the most beautiful dresses and glittering jewels. I love how I feel when I am, like the Capitol princess I've earned the reputation of. Plus, it doesn't matter if it's a small event, or a large ceremony, Sequoia's dresses are always the most gorgeous pieces and are always made a fuss over in the Capitol, which only adds to my growing excitement.

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