Part 1-First Meeting

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Ztina walked into the office on the third floor of the building downtown. She wore her best dress and her black and half dyed hair was perfectly tamed. It was her first day on the job at this fundraising company which had been around for only a decade.

She notice some of the female staff gave her phony smiles and judgement stares. Ztina immediately knew who to avoid there on. She walked to the front desk and spoke with the receptionist.

"Hello, I am here to meet Mr. Larkin. I am starting work here today. My name is Ztina Holt."

"Have a seat it won't be long."

She sat down in the waiting area for the receptionist to notify her.  

"He will be coming shortly."

Once she saw Hugh coming towards her, she was taken aback. Hugh was tall, with striking facial features, dark hair and his eyes had a shade almost like a jewel. He wore a dress shirt and suit with matching dress pants that might have been Armani, Mark Pomerantz, or Calvin Klein. This dashing man was her boss?

He extended his hand as he greeted her.

"Hello, my name is Hugh Larkin."

"Hello Mr. Larkin. My name is Ztina Holt."

Hugh was stunned as he notice how lovely and youthful Ztina appeared.

"Miss Ztina, has anyone ever complimented you on your beauty?"

This caught her off guard.

"Never a stranger."

"Well, soon enough we will no longer be just strangers." He said while smiling.

Ztina felt her face warm seeing his smile, it was both kind and irresistible.

He slowly placed his hand on her back and escorted her to his office. They both sat down and he went over her resume while checking his computer.

"You did fundraising at your university?"

"Yes, for some sudden disasters in other countries and for local charities."

"That's really good to hear."

Ztina was curious as to what her job would be there.

"What will I be doing here Mr. Larkin?"

"Well, you're going to be my personal assistant."

She hadn't expected this.

"I thought you were going to hire me for taking calls and answering online messages."

"No, I really do need a personal assistant."

He got up from his seat.

"You see, my last personal assistant wasn't punctual and would attempt to sneak her hand in places I didn't approve. If you know what I mean."

Right away she nodded her head, she knew exactly what that meant.

"A few of the ladies who work here DO have experience in customer service and operating with charities. However, I've caught them doing things which crossed the line."

Ztina didn't know what he meant.

"What I'm referring to is my personal life. You see, I'm married."

Immediately she figured out what he was subliminally trying to tell her.

"I think you caught my drift?"

"I do Mr. Larkin."

He smiled and took her hand and kissed it. Once he did she felt a strange sensation pass her.

"I knew you would understand."

She got up and he showed her to the door. 

"Your office desk is going to be right beside mine. It is already setup with whatever it is you need."

Ztina hadn't expected this at all.

"Wow. That's very generous of you Mr. Larkin. Thank you."

"Your welcome."

Ztina notice how three of her co-workers glared at her in disgust. Right away she figured they were the female workers he spoke of. She knew than to be cautious and kept her distance.

Hugh saw this and placed his hand protectively on her back. He leaned in to whisper something.

"In case of anything, don't hesitate to notify me." He said.

"I will." She replied.

Somehow Ztina got a sense that her working there would have a lasting impression. Little did she know, that was what Hugh was thinking as he walked back to his office.

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