Once in Principal Lee's office, Luna notices that Bucky was there apparently waiting for them. Luna eyes her cousin as she sits next to him in front of Principal Lee's desk, wondering why he was here and again why the principal wanted to talk to her. Bucky sends Luna a bright smile and gently grabs one of her hands. Principal Lee sits down at her desk facing two of her best students.

"Now, Miss Wells I know that you are probably wondering why I asked to speak with you." Principal Lee says.

"Yes Ma'am," Luna confirms.

"Well, there is really only two things I wanted to talk to you about," Principal Lee starts to explain, "the first is about your condition."

"My condition," Luna questions, wondering what Principal Lee wanted to talk about exactly.

"Yes, as you know your parents had to let the school know about your condition and they have been worried about you if you have an attach while you're here. It turns out the Mr. Bucky here has come up with a solution," Principal Lee said.

Luna frowned a little as she looks towards Bucky. She knew that her parents and the rest of her family were worried about her, with her pain attacks getting more frequent each day. She was wondering what Bucky could have thought of.

Bucky faces Luna and explains his idea, "Lu, you remember at the beginning of the summer when you found that abandoned puppy?"

Luna nods, of course she remembered that puppy. The puppy had to have only been a few months old when she had found her. The puppy was a mix breed of husky and a wolf, her fur had been a black color. Luna had taken the puppy to the dog shelter in Seabrook and every day for the first two weeks she had been there helping taking care of the puppy. The two had bonded quickly and Luna had notice that the puppy had been able to sense the pain attacks before they happened.

"Well, I know how close you got with the puppy and after talking with both our parents they agreed with my idea," Bucky continues to explain.

"And that idea is what exactly?" Luna questions.

"Well, to train the puppy to be your service dog," Bucky said, "I was there when you had one of your attacks at the dog shelter. Before we even knew what was going on, the puppy stops her playing with the other dogs and ran straight to you. She did not leave your side during your attack and you seemed a little more relaxed through the whole thing with her by your side."

"But she got adopted," Luna replies sadly, wishing that Bucky's idea could have worked.

"Yay, by you," Bucky says with a secretive smile.

Luna looks at Bucky with confusion, "What?"

Bucky turns completely towards Luna and takes her other hand, "Aunt Missy and Uncle Dale had my parents go and get the puppy from the shelter. Uncle Dale has been having her trained to be your service dog."

Luna is in complete shock, not completely believing what her cousin was telling her. Bucky turns towards Principal Lee, giving her a nod. Principal Lee picks up her phone and calls the receptionist.

"Ms. Smith, can you please bring her in now," Principal Lee says before hanging up her phone.

Looking back towards Luna, Principal says, "Your parents have already got all the paperwork taken care of. You can have your service dog with you at all times at school."

Before Luna can say anything in response the door opens, and Ms. Smith walks in with a young dog on a leash following her. The moment the dog sees Luna, she immediately moves towards her. Luna slides off her chair and hugs the dog tightly, laughing a little bit. The dog was shaking her tail fast and licking all over Luna's face.

The Lost will be Found// Zombies 2 x WyattWhere stories live. Discover now