Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

   Walking through Zombietown with Wyatt and Eclipse following her, Luna spots the werewolf pack sitting outside one of the cafés. She notices that they are looking through the books that Willa had taken from the school library earlier that day. The pack looks up from the books, sensing the three approaching.

   Seeing Luna, Wynter squeals with excitement as she races over and pulls her into a hug. Laughing Luna hugs Wynter back tightly, glad she could finally spend some time with her pack sisters and their pack. Wyatt smiles at the girls hugging each other, he and the rest of the pack could feel the happiness and joy rolling off the two girls in waves.

   "Well, hello to you too Wynter," Luna says with a smile.

   "Hello sister," Wynter greets with a grin, as she grabs Luna's left hand pulling her towards the pack.

   A few residents in Zombietown watch on as Luna interacts with the werewolf pack. None of them were surprised that she would try to interact with the pack, which was just who she was. Luna had been the very first to accept the zombies for who they are and try to befriend them. They were surprised with how conformable she and the pack were around each other though. After a few minutes of watching, the residents went back to what they were doing but they all kept an eye on the group. Weather the pack was dangerous or not, if they became a threat to Luna many would step in to protect her. Between Luna and her sister, with both girls doing what they could to help the zombies anyway they could, the zombies would do the same.

   "Hello Willa," Luna greets as she stops in front of the pack.

   Wyatt stands next to Luna on her right with Eclipse on her left and Wynter moves to stand next to Willa again.

   "Hello Luna," Willa replies with a grin as she pulls her into a hug.

   After a few moments they step back from each other, and Luna can see a lot of stress in Willa's eyes.

   "Are you okay?" Luna worriedly asks as she lays a hand on Willa's shoulder.

   Willa goes to answer when she stops, noticing Luna's mate mark on her wrist. She forgets for a moment about their search for the Moonstone, instead focusing on her pack sister. She grabs Luna's right hand examining her mate mark.

   "You have a mark?" Willa questions, catching the attention of the rest of the pack. The pack moving lightly closer to see the mark for themselves.

   "Yes, I actually have three," Luna replies.

   The pack's eyes widen as Luna pulls her hand away and turns slightly, showing her left arm to them. The dark purple crescent moon, wolf paw print marks, and her scars on her other arm and face proudly on display with Luna wearing her sleeveless blue summer dress.

   Wynter moves closer and softly traces the paw print mark on Luna's shoulder with Willa doing the same with the crescent moon on her left wrist.

   "We didn't know if you would get the marks at all," Willa says with awe.

   "I got these two after meeting you two and I got the other one after meeting Wolf-boy over there," Luna explains, pointing towards Wyatt as she finishes.

   The pack laughs at Luna's nickname for Wyatt as he playfully glares at her. Willa and Wynter smile at the two, happy that their pack sister seems comfortable around Wyatt and the pack.

   "Do you really have to call me that?" Wyatt questions with a smile as he nudges Luna.

   He sets her backpack on the ground next to the table. With Eclipse moving to lay down next to her Alpha's bag, happy to watch her alpha interact with the other pack.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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