Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

   The library was quiet as students' study and work on their schoolwork. Luna silently walks down an aisle as she browses the books, looking for Hamlet, which she needed for her English class. Turning down another aisle she finally finds the last copy of Hamlet on the top shelf of one of the bookcases. Luna reaches up, trying to grab the book but after a couple of seconds she realizes that she was just a little too short and the bookcase was just a little too high. The book was just an inch or so out of her reach. Letting out a sign, she shoots a glare towards the book and bookcase as she tries to think of a way to get the book.

   Luna senses someone quietly approaching her from behind. Momentarily forgetting about the book, she turns around to see who it is. Standing behind her was a boy, that she could tell was part of her pack sister's pack due to his appearance. He looks to be about her age and was an inch or two taller than her. He has tanned skin like the rest of the pack, with dark hazel green eyes and deep brown hair with strands on the left side of his head that are pure white. A trait that Luna realized that everyone in the pack has in common. He also has dark purple marks on his arms that look like claw marks.
   She notices then that he was grinning, and amusement was shining in his eyes. She instantly figures out that he must have witness her attempts to get the book. Her cheeks turn a little red in embarrassment as she looks towards the boy, lifting an eyebrow in question.

   He lets out a chuckle before saying, "I'm sorry Alpha, I don't mean to laugh. Do you need any help?"

   Luna wonders briefly for a moment why he called her 'Alpha' but decides to store that for later. She would ask one of her pack sisters or her wolf-boy later when she got to spend time with they and the pack. Glancing up at the book that she needs and then back to the boy, she smiles softly and nods. Luna steps aside as the boy approaches and she watches as he easily grabs the book.

   Luna takes the book as he hands it to her, saying, "Thanks for the help..."

   She trails off and gives him a questioning look, not knowing his name.

   "Westley," he supplies as he flashes her a wolfy grin, showing off his fangs.

   "Well thank you again Westley," Luna replies returning the smile with one of her own.

   "Your most welcome, Alpha," Westley replies, "see you around."

   "See ya," Luna replies as she watches him turn around and head down the aisle.

   Hugging the book to her chest, Luna heads back towards the table by the window that her friends had claimed at the start of study period. As she nears the table that Bree is sitting at, her wrist starts to tingle. She knows that her mate, Wyatt, was nearby, somewhere in the library. She glances around and notices that there are few wolves in the library. She sees that Westley is now sitting at a small table that was few feet from her own table with Wynter and another she-wolf. The three appears to be reading books but she watches as every few seconds they look at her table or around the library, like they were watch out for someone. Luna has a feeling that it was her sister and herself that they were watching out for, she just did not know why. As Luna sits down across from Bree, Wynter and Westley catch her eye, and both flash her smiles that she happily returns before she opens her book to start reading.

   Eclipse gets up from laying under the table and moves to sit next to Luna placing her head on Luna's lap. Absentmindedly Luna scratches behind Eclipse's ears as she continues to read Act I of Hamlet.

   A couple of minutes later Luna scenes Addison walking up to their table. Glancing up from her book Luna sends a smile towards her sister which Addison returns as she sits between her and Bree. Luna notices that Wyatt was coming from the same direction that Addison had just come from and was heading in their direction. Her mate mark starts to tingle more the closer he gets.

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