Letters to Lovers: Jessa (Jem)

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You know I am not very good with words. You know I prefer to express myself through music. But I wanted to do this for you, so that you have something to look back upon in the coming years. I cannot even begin to express how happy I was to have finally been reunited with you. Even in my years without you, I thought about you every day. Now that we are together, can sit together and watch little Mina grow with Kit in tow, I couldn't possibly be happier.

I have always loved you, Tessa. Even after the first time I looked at you, I knew that you would be the one for me. I simply cannot wait to show you how much I love what we have. I have so many songs to play, songs about you – songs that speak of love and sorrow and grief and growth. Above all, a song for a new beginning, a song for our darling Mina and Kit. He truly is a Herondale, isn't he? I do wish that Will could have gotten to meet him. Perhaps they will meet someday.

I love you, Tessa. I do not say it enough, frankly. I love you, I love you, I love you. I will say it as many times as I can. I will never stop saying it until I know that you will remember. Even after that, I will tell you that I love you.

You are so strong, Tessa, and so beautiful. Your eyes speak volumes, like a stormy ocean, full of passion. You are never afraid to express how you feel – something I love about you above anything else. You are so formidable to have truly lived - not just survived, but lived -  this long, Tessa, despite all of the losses you have faced. I am so very proud of you. I cannot wait to see where this chapter of our lives takes us, together.

With Love,


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