Letters to Lovers: Jessa/Wessa (Tessa)

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Will, Jem,

I simply wanted you both to know that I love you both so much. Whilst I know neither of you will ever be able to read this letter – for you are both no longer with me, but instead with each other on the other side – I wanted to imagine, just for a moment, that you were still here, with me. I miss you both tenderly with every passing day. I thought it, initially, impossible to love more than one man at once. For quite some time I felt my heart was being torn in half. But now I can embrace it; I can embrace that I love you both, and always have.

William Herondale, I do so miss you, so much that it hurts. I have never stopped missing you, nor have I ever stopped loving you. I miss the sound of your voice, the delightful sound of your laughter echoing down the halls of the London Institute. In the years I have been without you, I still allow myself to linger on the memory of our experiences. It pains me that I can no longer remember the precise blue of your eyes, but I remember your warmth as we would lay together, admiring the cloudy skies above. I remember the day I met you, the day I threw a pitcher at you. And I laugh, because who knew that what we had would stem from that? I remember dancing together through the halls of the Institute. I remember the joy it brought me, deep within my heart as we would laugh together. I remember the nights of reading together. The nights you would read to me, the soft comforting sound of your voice. Whilst you have been gone for longer than you were here, I still love you just the same. That has never faded.

And Jem. I have only lost you recently. My heart still aches as I think of you, think of you saying goodbye. I refused to accept it at first – how could the world take both of my loves away from me? – but now I know that you are with Will, and I can draw comfort from that fact. Finally, the pair of you are reunited. How did it go? For wither thou goest, I will go, wasn't it? Well, Jem, it appears that you have followed Will where you thought you couldn't follow. It is bittersweet. But I have had years of my life devoted to you, too, Jem. I have a treasure trove of memories to linger upon as my immortal life stretches out across the horizon. I can still remember the sound of your violin music, all of the music you have played and written for me over the years. I still have the letter you had written me when Mina was only a child. I read it every night. I have even had a friend of mine use a laminator to ensure that the ink will not fade. I have done the same with one of Will's letters. Even when you were a Silent Brother, I never stopped loving you. We beat the odds and lived a full mortal life together, and for that I am incredibly grateful. The Angel granted us that life, granted us a miracle. From that miracle spouted little Wilhelmina and Kit – our perfect little family. They are both grown now, as you know, but they still do miss you. Kit more quietly than Mina, but equally just as much. I love you still, James Carstairs. I will love you forever, as I will with Will. I love you so, so much. And I will never forget either of you.

Please, my loves, do wait for me. For perhaps someday I will be able to meet you, and we will be able to pass on to the other side together. As we always have done things together, us three.

Yours, Forevermore,

- Tessa.

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