Letters to Lovers: Malec (Magnus)

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My Darling Alexander,

Happy Anniversary. I am terribly sorry I had to duck out just now; I have a few things I had to pick up for you. Surely you can understand that. Nonetheless, I wanted to write to you in honour of our ten years of being together. One decade – one decade of your life devoted to me, and one decade of my life devoted to you. Alec, I wouldn't have wanted this with anybody else. I've never loved anybody as much as I've loved you, and I never will.

Alexander Gideon Lightwood, you saved me when I thought my life was over. As you know, eventually all warlocks begin to lose their ability to feel – to truly feel emotions. As we get older, we lose that aspect of ourselves. Life as an immortal isn't as peaches-and-cream as the mainstream media makes it out to be. Before I met you, I feared I was reaching that point. I feared I would forget how to feel. But then I saw you, and it all changed. My world seemed to pivot and tilt and suddenly you were its central axis. You were the one. I knew it. And now look at us—happily married for ten years, with two beautiful little boys who are growing up far too quickly. I've watched many people grow my whole life, but there is something completely different, something special, about watching your own children grow. It's like an amalgamation of pride and nostalgia mixed with everlasting love. Perhaps, though, that is what they call tenderness. And I feel that towards you, too, Alexander. There will never be anybody I will love as much as you. I believe there will be nobody after you. You will be the first and last Shadowhunter, man and person I will marry. For when you go to the other side, you will take a part of me with you. Though, in that same vein, I will keep a part of you here with me.

But let's not go down that road. This isn't meant to be a sad letter. Alec, I love every facet of you, from your gorgeously icy blue eyes to your dark hair to your stunning physique to your incredible aim with a bow – nobody can take a demon out with a bow like you do, my darling – to your golden heart to your beautiful soul. Everything you do is fuelled by good intentions, and that is something I admire the most about you. You've quite literally been to hell and back for the safety of your people and me. You are so very noble, my Alexander. You are not just a hero, but my hero. And I am so proud to be able to call you my beloved husband.

Ahead of us are several years of happiness and memories to make, and I cannot wait to make them with you. I'll see you when I get home. Be prepared to receive your gifts – oh, and wear that blue scarf I gave you, please? It really does suit you. It brings out your eyes.

Yours Eternally,


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2021 ⏰

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