Ghosts of the past

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The memories linger near me

They are always there 

All he stuff you did to me 

All the pain

The misunderstanding 

It lingers 

I know your trying to fix your mistakes 

But one of you is failing 

The other one I'm trying to learn how to trust

I just hate how you joke about 

I saw the horror on your friends face when you joked about it 

I understand that I was not the best when I was younger 

But there were other ways 

I was a child 

Who had to much anger and energy 

And the ghosts of what you both did to me will haunt me forever

This is actually a poem about my parents, I was never hit as a child but I was spanked and I had cold water poured on me multiple times and I was thrown in the shower more than once but i never really understood until about I month ago what happened, It makes me uncomfortable to talk about the rest i might get more into my childhood another time but for now i'm leaving it at this...

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