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-Boss: "Today we are going to have a champagne party at 9:30pm. You two girls are going to come at 8:40pm and get everything ready"
-Y/N: "Um sorry sir but I can't. My second job doesn't end unti-" *The boss cuts off Y/N*
-Boss: "I don't care about your second job! I'll pay you $50 per hour!" *Said in an angry tone*

$50 per hour! That's amazing! but I wanted to spend the day with my mom...

-Tae: "That was very rude sir. You shouldn't cut people off like that!" *Said Tae in an angry tone*
-Boss: "I'm sorry sir!" *Looks into Tae's eye*

I look at Miya and she nodded her head. Meaning that she was going to say yes.

-Miya: "I'll do the job" *Nods her head*
-Boss: "Y/N?" *They all looked at Y/N*
-Y/N: "As much as I need the money... I'm saying no. I want to hang out with my mother. Sorry boss"
-Boss: "I'll just ask the other cleaners!" *Rolls his eyes*

Right when I was about to leave, Tae said..

-Tae: "I don't want a champagne party if Y/N isn't invited" *Looks at Y/N with a smile on his face*
-Boss: "Wait what?" *Looks at Tae with a confused face*
-Tae: "I'll only have the champagne party if Y/N and her mother came to the party!" *Walks up to Y/N and grabs her hand*
-Boss: "Why sir?!"
-Tae: "It's her birthday" *Holds Y/N hand and smiled at her*

How did he know that? I never told him it was my birthday, unless Miya would've told him however, she was with my the whole day so it couldn't have been her.

-Boss: "Oh! Happy birthday Y/N..."
-Y/N: "Thank you but how did you know that sir?" *Looked up at Tae*
-Tae: "I just had a feeling" *Chuckles*
-Y/N: "My mother would love to come!" *Jumps around* "Thank you sir!" *Hugs Tae*
-Boss: "Y/N! Don't touch the special gue-" *Tae cuts off the boss*
-Tae: "Your welcome!" *Laughs*

I ran to the employees only room and quickly changed.

I ran out the back door and grabbed my bike. I rode my bike in the streets heading to my second Job.

7 hours later(4:25pm)

-Mom: "Your home!" *Hugs Y/N once she opened the door*
-Y/N: "Hey mom!" *Hugs her back*

I walked in the house and turned around to close the door. I smelled disgusting. My clothes were soaked in sweat and grease since I work at a fast food place. I usually only worked there for 5 hours but I needed extra money so I stayed for 2 more hours. I'm so exhausted that at this point I wanted to stay in bed but that's never going to happen.

-Miya: "SURPISE!" *Said Miya when she opened my bedroom door and jumped out*
-Y/N: "HEY!" *Ran up to Miya and hugged her* "What are you doing here?"
-Mom: "She brought you a cake for later! Once we come back from the champagne party, we are going to cut the cake!" *Said Y/N's mom as she was folding laundry*
-Y/N: "Thank you Miya! but did you tell her about the party?" *Said Y/N as she walked to the living room going to go help her mother fold laundry*
-Miya: "No?" *Looked at Y/N confused*
-Mom: "Oh no honey" *Chuckles* "It was a tall handsome guy! He came by the house and told me that it was a champagne party for your birthday!"

Tae! How did he know where I lived! Ima have to talk to him about this.

-Y/N: "Oh yea.." *Nervously laughs* "I guess we're going"
-Mom: "Of course princess!" *Said Mom as she was moving her hips over excitement*

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